R Kelly Addresses Long Standing Allegations

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

R Kelly has contributed plenty to the R&B culture over the years, and many would admit he’s had a lot of influence on today’s male artists in the genre.

However, his personal life has overshadowed his music for the later half of his career and in the era of social media, it’s hard for an artist to outrun their troubles.

With multiple media outlets still pushing out reports on his alleged former marriage to late singer Aaliyah, and rumors claiming he’s allegedly done heinous acts with young girls and paid them off in exchange for their silence, it’s no wonder he’s been put in a position to address the allegations.

Click next for the details.

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  1. This man is so heartless and evil to me. He refuses to acknowledge what he’s done to so many young girls. That means he doesn’t really think what he’s done is wrong. And that’s sick.

  2. He made some great music but I had to give up on R Kelly a long time ago. We have to stop supporting people who don’t mind abusing young black girls. And it just seems like so many of us still support him anyway knowing what we know. I don’t understand it.

  3. Ummmmm why is he still lying about this???????He was messing and married Aaliyah who was underage…and then he claims the reason why all these people are saying those same things about him is because he fired them……I feel that they are now fired so why not be truthful and spill the beans…but why were all of them fired anyway?????? I luv me some R.Kelly(music) but he needs to cut the bs…admit what he did was wrong and go seek some help if he can’t control himself….cause there are all these grown a$$ females in the world who still look like they are mad young….he has no excuse to be messing with an underage female

  4. I really don’t expect much out of this selfish fool. Yes his music is on point but I can’t stomach listening to someone who r-pes little girls. The lawsuits the NY Post pulled up and the the victims who did talk said this man ruined their lives. Even Aaliyah’s family said they believe he ruined her to some extent. Abuse has longterm effects on people.

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