By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Lil Mama went through a lot after she crashed Alicia Keys and Jay Z’s performance of “Empire State of Mind” at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards.
In a recent interview with VLAD TV, Lil Mama talks about how she relates to Chris Brown not being able to be forgiven by society for assaulting Rihanna because she felt like people would never move past her crashing Alicia and Jay’s performance.
And she seemingly hinted that she feels like the superstars should have spoken up for her and told the general public to let it go since she became a target of anger and numerous jokes.
Click next for the details.
They didn’t have to take up for her when she was rude and interrupted their performance. She’s lucky they didn’t escort her off the stage.
Cosign. She is trippin. But she really needs to get over this. This happened 6 years ago.
She chose to crash their performance,yet she wants them to stick up for her. Do she realize she ruined the memory of their performance? Everytime we think about that performance we think about her.
Now why would Jay Z or Alicia defend her when they barely defend themselves in the media? Lil Mama needs to stop.
Umm why would they take up for her when she crashed their performance bye lil mama this makes no sense.
Nope. They shouldn’t have done a damn thing. Lil Mama was cocky and feeling herself and needed to be humbled. You don’t ruin someone’s performance and then expect them to take up for you.
Now I like Lil Mama but this is stupid. When you’re in the wrong, you can’t expect people to save you from your own bad choices.
I can’t believe she’s still upset about this. It’s time for her to let it go. She made a goofy choice and people clowned her for it. That’s life. But she definitely didn’t get as much hate as Chris does.
Girl shut the f-ck up.
She’s still on this? Oh.
Meh, she should really move on from this.
LMBO bless her heart.
I remember hearing around that time that she had a bet with a few people that she would go on stage with them. Idk it could have just been a rumor either way it was stupid. P.S. – Let’s be real, even if she hadn’t pulled that stunt her career would have still been what it is today because back in ’09 Nicki Minaj was blowing the f-ck up.
Pity parties never helped anyone.
Nobody owes her anything
She’s very delusional.
Thank God he is the only Judge, because man/ woman are not forgiven beings.
E/C Love to kicc a sista when she’s down