Mary Mary’s Tina Campbell Says Staying with Cheating Husband Made Her Stronger

In a recent interview with Essence Magazine, Tina Campbell credits dealing with her husband’s multiple affairs for not only strengthening their marriage but the situation has made her a stronger woman as well.

Essence writes:

It’s been three years since gospel star Tina Campbell had to publicly deal with the ugly truth that her husband Teddy Campbell had cheated on her multiple times.

But Campbell, who recently won an NAACP Image Award for her solo album, It’s Personal, says rebuilding her life and marriage after everything had crumbled around her was her Black girl magic moment.

“I found out who I really was when my marriage fell apart,” says Campbell, whose WE tv reality show Mary Mary, with her sister Erica Campbell, returns for a fifth season March 3. “It was really hard. That entire season was about my broken marriage. It was empowering for me to go through that in the public eye and then make it to the other side and fall in love again. My husband, who is also an executive producer on our show, was exposed in front of everybody but so was I. There was a lot of prayer and counseling. But now I’m stronger and so is our marriage.”

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  1. I hope she’s still in counseling. Individual counseling, that is. By all means. Share your testimony. And if it worked for them – great. But you can’t paint infidelity out to be a pretty picture… Beyond that, I wish she’d stop talking about it.

  2. I hate that woman are prograed by society to be cool with cheating. I hate that most woman stay. in that aspect woman are soo weak. Smh

  3. She’s the typical church black woman who believes all men cheat and she should just accept it. Staying with him doesn’t make her stronger at all.

  4. She is not setting a good example as a woman or a Christian because she is painting infidelity like it’s something good. So if her husband cheats on her again I don’t want to see her a-s going ape sh-t crazy like she was the last time. People just need to tell her she will get stronger from his infidelity smh.

  5. It’s her life and her marriage but I don’t buy for a second that staying with a cheater is what makes a woman strong. I doubt he would have stayed with her if she cheated on him. Women need to wake up.

  6. Low self-esteem is what makes women stay with cheaters. She’s staying with him for appearances. This dude cheated with multiple women. His dog a$$ ain’t gonna change, he’ll just be more careful not to draw attention to his whoring

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