NeNe Leakes Talks Beef with Wendy Williams

NeNe Leakes isn’t too happy with some of the things Wendy has said about her on television, and months ago it was rumored things have gotten so bad between them that Wendy’s husband is even feeling some kind of way.

But in a new interview, NeNe opens up about the beef and she claims she doesn’t understand why it even happened.

Here’s excerpts from her interview with B Scott:

On what went down with her and Wendy at the Women’s Expo: “I hadn’t gotten there, my glam was there. We were both speaking at the Expo. Now, they originally had our dressing rooms set up next door to each other and when I got there my glam told me her husband had my glam moved a room or two down away from Wendy’s room.

It didn’t happen while I was there. I wasn’t there. When I got on stage to speak, I said “I’m not gon’ give you 10 rules to live by.” Wendy had opened up her speech with “I’m gon’ give you 10 rules to live by,” and her husband felt I was shading her or being rude or whatever. And he was backstage cursing saying “Get that motherf**cking b*tch off the stage!”

I didn’t hear him, but he was backstage cursing and my people heard him. The State Patrol that was securing the stage heard him. He was just going crazy from what I understand backstage and they escorted him out of the building. But, he later apologized through some other people. He never got to me, he was with Diana — he was cursing in front of Diana. I was never actually involved with it. Me and Wendy never saw each other at the Women’s Expo. We never came in contact with each other. I never saw her husband or anything.

It’s sad, because I would support her in a heartbeat. Like I would have no problem. That’s not my heart, That’s not who I am. Why would I not support this lady? What for?  That’s not my heart. But apparently that’s her heart — to bash African American women in the business. That’s all I’ve seen her do when she opens up her show. It seems when I was looking at her show, she would sit there and cross her legs and talk about Black women in the business. That’s what it looks like, that’s all I see. I do have good ole eyes and I don’t wear glasses or contacts!”


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    1. She sure doesn’t. I’ll never forget how she did Whitney. And then when Whitney died, she had the nerve to sit and cry on the show. Can’t stand her.

    1. I agree. Every time people report on Wendy’s opinion on someone, it gives her a sign to keep doing it. I really wish more people would catch on to her game.

    2. The same can be said about the Kardashians, Kanye West, etc. Why give the people you claim to not like so much attention, especially when they live for it? I never understood that.

    3. She will say anything to keep people talking about her show because she can’t get A list celebrities to agree to an interview.

  1. I bet you could ask Wendy what her problem with Nene is (or anyone else she drags all the time) and she couldn’t tell you. She’s such a miserable old hag.

  2. I don’t even like Nene but I’m on her side on this one. Wendy doesn’t know how to give another black woman her props. But she kisses J Lo’s mediocre a-s all day long.

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