Are Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey Beefing? Tyler Responds

According to the latest gossip, Oprah Winfrey is currently pissed at Tyler Perry because they are clashing over new ideas for his successful shows.

The Daily Mail writes:

‘When Tyler first brought his shows to OWN in 2012, it was a love affair between the two of them.

‘Oprah was very involved in watching Tyler develop them creatively and they even shot promos together with her as Miss Sophia from The Color Purple and he as Madea.

‘But that relationship has soured in the last six months because Oprah finds Tyler difficult to work with and he doesn’t take constructive criticism well at all,’ a source explains.

Things grew tense with the pair late last summer when 62-year-old Winfrey suggested Perry hire some additional script writers to help develop his shows, particularly the top-rated drama The Have and the Have Nots.

She shared with him research from focus groups and the general consensus from executives at the company was that the writing could be ‘improved significantly.’

‘That’s when Oprah finally got to see a side of Tyler she hadn’t experienced yet. He resisted her feedback, the same way he resists the feedback of critics and media people who chastise his work, and became extremely defensive with her.

‘He told her, “Aren’t the shows delivering ratings for the network? Well, then let me do what I do and you can keep your focus group research to yourself”,’ reveals the source.

Winfrey reminded Perry that the reason he approached her about doing a deal at OWN was because he lost his TV deal at TBS.

…’Oprah basically had to remind him, “you needed me as much as I needed you when we decided to do this partnership and don’t forget that”,’ tells the source.

The professional squabble caused the two to stop communicating as much personally.

The source adds: ‘Gone were the days of them having long phone conversations and texting late into the night.’


Interestingly enough, it appears Tyler is responding to the report by letting his fans know on Twitter that he was just with Oprah last week:

tyler perry twitter

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  1. He didn’t waste anytime clearing that up. I didn’t believe it anyway because he worships Oprah. She’s his shero.

  2. It’s possible they clash from time to time like all friends do but I don’t see Tyler coming at Lady O sideways. They do a lot of business together and I don’t see him messing that up with ego. He’s smarter than that.

    1. I totally agree! Tyler didn’t pull himself out of homelessness to mogul status by biting the hands of the ones that helped him. I don’t believe this story.

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