By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Rapper Wiz Khalifa has found plenty of commercial success and some people wonder if his stoner image is a big reason.
Interestingly enough, an interviewer actually seems to think so and managed to pen an entire write-up full of shadiness.
Click next for the details.
Any other time I would drag a white man for trying to write about Hip Hop, but I have to agree with his shade for Wiz. Wiz doesn’t even try to rap. Hell he didn’t even try to be a decent husband. All he does is stay high and drunk all day and his music isn’t all that. He’s only popular because he’s the less gangsta version of Snoop Dogg so white hipsters love him.
“His frail torso seems borrowed from a Depression-era pneumonia victim.” Well dayummmm LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
And this is the part that made me spit out my juice. No mercy shown at all! LOL!
lmao yo this was cold
Lol. Lol. Lol.
He should gone ahead and let me grease those edges for him. My goodness lol.
This writer was out of f-cks to give and probably didn’t want to interview Wiz to begin with. But Wiz is loved because he’s a harmless druggie. White boys eat that sh-t up.
The writer just observed what we all have with Wiz. He loves to stay high and drunk, and keep groupies around all the time. And he has no passion whatsoever for his actual music and it shows. It’s always just ok.
Yikes. This is that grade A shade. Flawless victory.
Damn. I guess it’s safe to say this writer isn’t a fan.
Or Wiz really pissed him off during the interview.
If I were him, I would never interview with GQ again. This was unnecessary.
Like I’m always taken aback when men deliver this kind of shade. My goodness.
Eh, I get the issue with Wiz…who doesn’t but that writer was trying way too hard with this bs writing, “His dreads turn honey-colored right as they hit his face, like he’s a Tolkien character in whose footprints flowers grow.” That was stupid!
Wiz and Amber are both annoying.