STARZ Shuts Down Chris Brown?

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Chris Brown has been in the news plenty as of late thanks to a woman accusing him of threatening her with a gun, but now the police claim they couldn’t locate a gun at his residence.

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  1. 50 needs to sit his azz down. Once they go the Empire route and start booking all these celebrities, the show will become trash just like Empire did.

    1. This is so true. You would think 50 would understand that but he’s letting this Executive Producer title go straight to his head. I’m glad the network said no.

  2. It’s basically been confirmed in so many ways that he was lied on. But for goodness sakes, please don’t put him on Power. 50 is such a mess for trying.

  3. So 50 hates Power being compared to Empire, but he wants it to be like Empire by hiring all these celebrities when there’s no need to? Why am I not surprised? First Amber, and now Chris.

  4. 50 is going to have to get used to making money in television. He’s sadly mistaken if he thinks he’s just going to be able to hire his buddies when he gets good and ready to without getting things ok’d by network heads. Starz will always have the final say on that.

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