Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill Shade Each Other?
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
It was just a matter of time before she got tired of carrying him. He’s a step up from Safaree but Nicki needs to stop dating these man boys. She’s getting too old to be wasting her time.
I think Nicki bit off more than she can chew with Meek. He’s not going to be a Beta like Safaree was even though she’s more successful. I don’t think Nick knows how to handle that. She’s used to being the Alpha.
Definitely shade. I guess the honeymoon is over.
Meh, they will make up soon. Nicki wants to prove everyone wrong so badly.
I’m still not a fan of this relationship and probably won’t ever be.
My thing is why she started this back and forth by putting on social media??? That could’ve been handled quietly
They are a hot mess and I never saw it for them anyway.
I’m not a Nicki or Meek fan and I think the relationship is a fake. She always talking about a hand out but Safaree also helped her get to the status where she is whether she wants to admit it. They are both really childish and petty. Money make people turn into Satan’s slaves.
This is what happens when you keep dating men who aren’t your equal. It gets exhausting after a certain point and you feel unappreciated. Nicki needs to cut her ties and learn how to pick better men. Meek is very childish, loud, and I can only imagine how annoying he is outside of his loud screaming over beats he passes for actual rapping.
They need to take their issues off social media.