By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The other day Keke Palmer got into a nasty social media feud with former “Basketball Wives LA” and “Bad Girls Club” star Mehgan James, and many felt the actress should not engage in social media beefs because she’s too successful to get caught up in the messiness.
But Keke has a different perspective.
Click next for the details.
How is someone real for taking the time out of their day for nonsense like arguing on social media? What did arguing with that idiot from BGC do to make Keke’s life better? I mean seriously. I can’t with this mindset she has.
There’s nothing smart about engaging in negativity, especially when you have something to lose. But whatever floats her boat.
I think that is her problem, she tries way to hard to show everyone she’s real and comes off looking extra as hell.
I agree.
This response reminds me of the main reason people give me for why they hate Beyonce. They say she’s not real because she won’t be caught dead on Instagram shading other artists/liking shady posts or arguing with people on the internet. They literally hate her because she works hard and minds her business. But that doesn’t make her fake, that makes her smart and avoiding that silliness gives her the opportunity to make better use of her time. So since she’s not glued to Twitter/FB/Instagram, she has more time to work on her craft and stay ahead of the pack while her peers waste time on the dumbest things. She’s where she is because she works hard and filters out the nonsense. You don’t even have to be famous to do it. I find I get more done and accomplish more goals when I spend less time on social media. You can’t have great work ethic if you spend so much of your time on silly things like social media beefs. Keke is still young, so maybe she will get it one day. Being “real” is overrated and it gets so many people in trouble.
I didn’t need to read this to confirm what I already knew which is Keke is very insecure.
She’s confusing being real with being insecure. A real person has enough confidence and self esteem that they don’t feel like they have to defend themselves all day long on the internet. They do what they want and don’t give a damn who that bothers. And they damn sure ain’t about to argue and explain sh-t to nobody. You don’t like em, they won’t lose sleep about that either. KeKe ain’t real. She’s insecure and thin skinned.
These youngins have a lot to learn. They place too much importance on what people think about them and what happens on social media. That is not authenticity. It’s insecurity and weakness.
She doesn’t get it. People are trying to tell her to chill out because they understand she doesn’t get as many second chances as her white peers. It only takes a little negative press for them to stop booking her. We want to see her win. It’s chess, not checkers. Keke is going to be her own downfall if she doesn’t wake up.
She needs to ask Chris Brown how being “real” worked out for him. Azealia Banks as well. It’s only so many times a person can get caught up before people just get annoyed and stop supporting. She doesn’t need to be real. She needs to be smart.
She has a lot to learn. That’s all I’m going to say on this subject.
I think she doesn’t really know what being real means. Bless her heart.
I think she was just trying to sound deep as usual.
Girl bye.
She thinks she is so wise but she sounds dumb as hell.
Keke is really sensitive but tries to pretend she’s so confident. And now that Mehgan called her ugly, she’s been doing the most to prove that she’s s-xy. From the staged paps pictures when she had nothing but overalls on to the try hard pictures she just posted to IG. It’s really sad.