Reason for Lil Mo’s Firing from Radio Station Revealed
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
She’s a dumba-s.
Lil Mo is one of those people who refuses to believe that her big mouth can be a problem for her pockets. This whole obsession with being “real” is getting folks fired left and right. People better smarten up about social media. Use it to network and even get good money making opportunities. Anything outside of that is risky.
You are so right.
lmao she is always catching Ls man
Because she’s an airhead. She doesn’t think anything through.
Sounds like that’s exactly what she was fired for, Spike Lee probably put in a word and get her the axe. She has too many kids to be letting her mouth mess up her pockets. Smdh
Lil Mo felt like she could say whatever to whomever, and now she knows otherwise. I’m tired of saying that the Feds are now watching social media and when you’re a public figure it can get you in trouble.
I still think that her challenging Spike is what put this over the edge though. She just forgot how little her a-s was in the big old pond of Hollywood entertainment.
That’s what she gets.
She has a nasty attitude so I’m not surprised.