By: AJ Niles
Kandi and Porsha have not been the best of friends on the current season of Real Housewives of Atlanta.
Although Phaedra started the rumors about what goes on in Kandi and Todd’s bedroom, Porsha took it and ran with the rumors, causing further friction. During their “glamping” trip, an argument ensued where Kandi and Porsha claimed to have “dirt on each other” and caused some fireworks.
According to this clips of this weeks’s show, things only get messier.
Click next for the details.
Go awf Porsha!
Well Porsha was ready that day.
She sure was. Kandi couldn’t even think of a decent clapback. I guess you can’t clapback at the truth.
Exactly. And it’s not like anything Porsha said hasn’t been said already. It’s always been rumored that Kandi had a secret girlfriend for years. And Todd’s never hid the fact that he’s not all that attracted to Kandi so it’s not hard to believe that he would want another woman in the bedroom with them.
Well isn’t this what Kandi wanted? She said she wasn’t taking any crap this season so why did she walk away? It makes me think Porsha said some facts.
So the new hood Kandi couldn’t get Porsha together here? I guess she’s not so bold when she doesn’t have an audience around. Girl bye.
I’m still not clear on why Porsha and Kandi have an issue. Seems like it’s over Phaedra and if that’s the case, Porsha should stop doing the absolute most for a fake friend who doesn’t even have her back.
Mess. Kandi wasn’t even prepared.
I’m glad Porsha got her together. Kandi has really been getting on my nerves this season.
So next week is when it really goes down. Funny how Porsha is the one who they feel is so angry and no one bats an eyelash at Kandi’s anger issues.
They are going to really go at it at the reunion. And I’m ready.
teacup short and stout~lololol