Being Mary Jane Recap: MJ Has an Awkward Moment with Lee’s Son + Ronda Won’t Let Up

Mary Jane has a lot to be nervous about.

Mary Jane is prepping to interview Judge McAllister, the Supreme Court nominee. Her producer Justin is grilling her on the phone about how much she knows about him. He’s concerned she may not ask the tough questions and the interview will be a waste of time.

Her relationship with Lee is still going great but her stomach is in knots about meeting his kids.

Lee’s children are coming to visit and she’s not so sure they will like her. Lee assures her that they will love her but she’s still uneasy.

PJ runs into an old friend. 

PJ runs into Selita, a woman he knows from college, at a restaurant and they agree to meet up again at the same place the next day. PJ is very intrigued.

Mary Jane’s drama with Ronda gets worse after a tabloid gets involved.

Lee wakes Mary Jane up and shows her a tabloid story about her. In the story, she is accused of trying to oust Ronda from the station and they even used a fake quote. Mary Jane thinks Ronda is behind the story.

Kara isn’t convinced that Ronda was involved. But she has a connect at the publication who ran with the story so she promises to look into it and find out who did.

“I appreciate that. I still have to figure out a way to repair the damage.” – Mary Jane to Kara

Mary Jane meets with Ronda and tells her she had nothing to do with the story. She suggests that they go to a popular restaurant and eat together to squash the rumors. Ronda doesn’t like the suggestion and thinks it’s beneath her. She then tells Mary Jane that Gayle King is trying to take her interview with McAllister.

Justin wants Mary Jane to take a very big risk to take her career to the next level.

Justin confronts Mary Jane and tells her that she can’t do a softball interview with McAllister. He informs her that he possibly hid evidence while working in North Carolina and doing so led to an innocent black man being sent away to prison. He refuses to tell her who his source is. She feels his source is weak and she’s uncomfortable with the idea of exposing McAllister .

“We have a journalistic duty to expose this story.” – Justin to Mary Jane

She does some research and discovers there may be some truth to what Justin told her. However, Kara warns her against moving forward with the story.

“I have a bad feeling about this. Especially since it’s Justin pushing you to do this.” – Kara to Mary Jane

Things go well with Lee’s kids.

Mary Jane meets Lee kids and his daughter asks her if she’s richer than Lee and why she doesn’t have any kids. She handles it with humor and deflects to Lee’s very “awkward” shorts.

Ava still sets her sights on PJ.

The white girl PJ had Mary Jane hook up an internship for, Ava, continues to hit on him. He still doesn’t bite.

Mary Jane has an awkward moment with Lee’s son Aiden.

Mary Jane walks in on Lee’s son “pleasuring himself” to her panties. She doesn’t tell Lee but he notices something is up when Mary Jane and Aiden seem uncomfortable while shaking hands.

Ava over steps her boundaries with PJ.

Ava goes to the restaurant PJ decided to meet Selita at and introduces herself. PJ is annoyed and questions why his homeboy Andrew brought Ava there. He tells him that Ava is only 22, but Andrew doesn’t see the issue. Ava asks his Selita if they are dating, and she confirms they are just catching up. PJ decides to walk away and sit the bar with Selita.

Ava walks up on PJ after Selita goes to the restroom. She tries to explain that she just wants a friendship and tells PJ that he shouldn’t take Selita to his place because it isn’t nice enough. She suggests he takes Selita to her mother’s place. She tells him her mother won’t find out he was there.

PJ takes Selita back to Ava’s mother place and they end up in bed with wine and reminisce on their college days. He’s really into her.

PJ wakes up in Ava’s mother’s bed and notices that Selita is gone and his watch is missing. It is no longer on the nightstand where he left it.

He confronts Selita about his missing watch and it angers her since she’s not the one who took it. PJ realizes it was Ava but he’s angered Selita so much she tells him to get lost.

He confronts Ava and lets her know he didn’t appreciate her taking his watch because it ruined his chances with Selita. She tells him she was just trying to help him out because she knows he’s the kind of man who goes through women very fast because he likes women younger and hotter. He walks away furious.

The McAllister interview leads to a victory for Rhonda.

Kara tells Mary Jane that the marketing team for the station planted the story to up the ratings.

Mary Jane grills McAllister during the interview but is forced to take a commercial break. Then producer decides to stick Ronda in to conclude the interview, which doesn’t sit well with Mary Jane or Justin.

Justin tells Mary Jane that he’s had enough of Ronda and he is now ready to take her on. It’s time for them to pair up and take her down.

Lee makes things right between Mary Jane and Aiden.

Mary Jane turns down Lee’s invitation to dinner and he questions why she’s acting weird to Aiden. She finally breaks down and tells him she walked in on his son and the situation made her uncomfortable. Lee says he will talk to his son and MJ is worried it will mess up their relationship.

Lee tells Mary Jane that things will get better with Aiden the more time they spend together. She’s happy to know he really wants her in his kids’ lives.

“Just don’t leave your sexy underwear behind and we’ll be fine.” – Lee to Mary Jane

Despite the awkward moment, Mary Jane and Aiden are able to get back on good terms and Lee has a great time at dinner with his girlfriend and his kids.

The network gives Mary Jane and Justin a major ultimatum.

The head producer calls a meeting with Mary Jane, Justin, Kara and Ronda. He informs them that Rhonda and Kara will be taking over the story but they need Justin to give up his source. Justin refuses and the producer threatens to put him and Mary Jane on suspension if they don’t give up the source.


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. The way things are going it just feels like Justin and MJ are going to get together. And that is predictable writing.

    1. I don’t know. Justin still seems sketchy to me. And when the producer told him that he knows why he’s at the station, it kind of seemed like a nod to him being there to help Ronda take down Mary Jane.

    1. I go back and forth with that. Sometimes I think he’s working for Ronda and other times I don’t. I guess we will see eventually.

    2. I don’t trust him either. He came to the station for a reason and I doubt it’s to help Mary Jane.

  2. Another episode that makes me like Lee. Anyway PJ better stay away from that white girl. She will ruin his life if he’s not careful.

  3. I hope PJ stays clear of Ava, she is on a mission to be his downfall. I just knew her sneaky ass was setting him up with the Rolex situation! And I’m so on the fence about Justin. I feel like he’s for MJ but sometimes I wonder…also get the vibe that he and MJ may have a thing eventually and it’ll ruin her relationship with Lee but I hope I’m wrong.

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