Kenya Moore Says Porsha Williams Has Taken Things Too Far + Destroys Relationships
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
Oh shut the f-ck up. This is the same old bird who asked Phaedra and Apollo for a thr–some. And when Phaedra shut that down, she continued to flirt with Apollo right in front of Phaedra’s face. Kenya remains the most f-cked up person on the show but swears Porsha is the problem. F-ck outta here.
Actually the lowest of the low is threatening a pregnant woman. But nice try though. LOL.
Exactly! She tried it.
Kenya projects a lot. That’s why I can’t take her seriously.
“I feel that certain people in our group have nothing to lose and enjoy the demise of happy couples, relationships or tearing down someone else’s brand in order to stay relevant.” The same thing can be said about Kenya.
lmao no one has slandered more people than kenya has
Let’s not forget how she called Kim Fields’ husband gay and even tried to provoke Kim into fighting by pulling her chair out. She is the last person to call anyone low. Low is all she knows.
Kenya is such a hypocrite. She’s literally lied on multiple people and ran Kim Fields and her husband off the show because she tried her hardest to ruin Kim’s brand when the truth is she’s jealous she could never have an acting career as great as Kim’s. She doesn’t respect people’s marriages either, and threatened Phaedra while she was pregnant. She even talked about shooting her as well. She can’t call Porsha out without her own dirt being called out.
More Kenya bashing.
Kenya is clearly trolling lol.
I hope so cause she can’t be serious.
Oh Kenya, shut up!! And while we’re at it 9 black girls have gone missing in DC in the last 2 weeks. Tell me why I only learned about this through twitter? Why isn’t it all over the news? Anyway if you guys can please share on your social media accounts please!!
The queen speaks the truth yet again!
Watching the episode now, Kandi still hasn’t learned. She keeps spilling other people’s tea they don’t want out there and that’s why they do the same to her! Her bringing up Phaedra talking to another man is messy as hell but she will pretend it’s not..
Kandi’s a-s knew that she put it out there to seem like Phaedra was sleeping with multiple men and now wants to act brand new when the truth was she was talking to one person. I cannot stand that messy goat mouth b-tch.
Kenya really does like to call everyone else out when she’s done 99% of the same things she’s calling them out for. #DEAD