BFV Recap: Trina Takes Shots at Tamar’s Parenting & Vince

Tamar and Traci talk but things aren’t really settled.

Tamar says she doesn’t understand why people are so sensitive because they were able to “jone” each other back in the day, and no one took things so personally.

Tamar says that she’s no longer upset that she wasn’t on Traci’s song, but Traci’s real issue is the shade Tamar threw on social media.

“Everybody’s not going to invite you to their party. If they don’t invite you, go somewhere else. That’s not my issue, that’s yours.” – Tamar

However, Traci doesn’t feel like discussing the issue yet so she doesn’t bring it up.

Tamar thinks everything is resolved and even invites Traci to record music in her home studio.

So Traci decides to confront Tamar about it later.

“You ever had somebody that talk behind your back but when you get in front of their face they have nothing to say? Do they call it a misunderstanding because you don’t understand and you missed it?” – Tamar

Towanda discusses her divorce with Evelyn.

Towanda gives her mother an update on her divorce from Andre, and informs her that he’s asking for full custody of the kids.

She really wanted their split to be peaceful for the sake of their children.

“Divorce brings out the worst in people but I’m shocked he asked for full custody.” – Evelyn

Towanda says she is willing to give him all the real estate, but she can’t give up their kids.

Evelyn says they should divide their properties in half because she doesn’t think Andre deserves everything Towanda has worked hard for.

“A divorce is war and you better fight.” – Evelyn to Towanda

Toni’s relationship with Birdman is blossoming.

He sends her flowers and she claims they haven’t been able to go on a date in a while because they are both very busy with their careers. However, she loves the way he treats her and the way he makes her feel.

“He’s an undercover gentleman and he makes me feel adored.” – Toni

Trina tells Towanda, Traci and Tamar her business plans.

Trina wants to open another bar location, but Towanda thinks she needs to slow down since her first bar hasn’t even been open a year yet.

However, Trina thinks she should get a second location in Suwanee, but Towanda doesn’t think that’s a smart move, especially since Trina was arrested there for DUI.

Trina later decides to open up a pop up bar instead, but Tamar doesn’t think Suwanee is a good location.

“Trina is the most stubborn person I have ever met in my entire life. She doesn’t listen to nobody. Not her sisters…nobody.” – Tamar

Since Trina’s mind is set on doing the pop up, Tamar offers to give her half the money. However, Trina turns her down because she doesn’t feel Tamar has the experience to invest in her business.

Despite not wanting Tamar to invest in her pop up, she does invite her and Traci to come over and taste test new menu items.

Trina’s taste testing is a disaster and results in a showdown with Tamar.

Tamar thinks Trina should add some salt to the bourbon wings to balance things out, and she also suggests Trina starts selling french fries.

Towanda agrees that there needs to be french fries.

Even the cook thinks french fries would be a major seller if offered.

However, Trina feels like Tamar’s feedback isn’t constructive and just petty digs.

Things get heated pretty quickly.

“Your customers have been asking for french fries for years.” – Tamar to Trina

“My books don’t lie.” – Trina to Tamar

“Trina, grow up.” – Tamar to Trina

Tamar doesn’t understand why things have gone left because she was invited to taste test and give honest feedback.

“Do what you want to do. Stay where you are.” – Tamar to Trina

After Tamar explains that it’s her responsibility to tell Trina that her wings taste like syrup and it’s her responsibility to tell Traci that her vocals on her song don’t sound good, things get really bad.

“Tamar think about what you’re saying and the things that are coming out of your mouth.” – Traci to Tamar

“She knows what she’s saying.” – Trina to Traci

It doesn’t take long for things to get personal. After Traci tells Tamar that she has negative energy, Tamar’s rebuttal is “your baby daddy” and Trina returned the dig swiftly.

“He does too. So does yours.” – Trina to Tamar

Eventually, the back and forth leads to digs about Tamar’s parenting after Tamar calls Trina pathetic.

“Raise your child…by yourself.” – Trina to Tamar


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. I’m not a Tamar stan at all, however, I do feel like Trina overreacted. How do you ask people to come and do a taste test and get mad when they do just that? Out of all the things to clap back at Tamar over (and there are many), this is extremely unwarranted and petty.

    1. I agree with you. I think Trina took it where it didn’t need to be. Don’t call it a taste test and when you get feedback to enhance, you are now personal and in your feelings.

  2. Trina took it too far. You never go after your sibling’s parenting. I know people hate Tamar but I don’t see how what Trina said can be defended.

  3. Ok I want to side with Trina because I can’t stand Tamar but this was so unnecessary. And the parenting shade? No ma’am. I would have had to slap my sister that day.

  4. Y’all do realized that all the digs were cut out by editing, so we don’t know the full conversation. I do agree Trina overreacted but the way Tamar speaks to people is unnecessary. Instead of saying the wings taste like syrup just say they’re very sweet. Tamar feels because she speaks the “TRUTH” then it’s keeping it real. When it actuality it’s classless, something you can say things with Tact and Poise and without all the finger pointing, neck rolling and popping them lips. And she doesn’t understand why she was fired, because the professional African Americans don’t want that portrayed, the only people that do are the celebrities and producers like Mona Scott.

    1. Stayreal I agree with you whole heartedly. Thank you for your comment. I do feel like Tamar needs to clean up how she shares her opinions on situations. However, Trina should not have went there regarding her in need of being able to parent without help. There are some things that should be off limits, unfortunately these reality stars either don’t get it or get so caught up in the moment, they forget to edit themselves, or unfortunately feel it’s all about the ratings that translates to money. My mother always said that it’s not what you say to someone but how you say it makes all the difference to the receiver, as well as showing the character of the person delivering the message. Tamar, and plenty of other reality stars need some coaching ASAP.

  5. Tamar always be making slick comments! People get tired of that.. Tamar trys to keep her dirty laundry hidden but what is done in the dark will come out in the light and Trina threw them slick comments back at her.

  6. Tamar started the mess. When did opinions become insult. It was about the food. Tamar jumped from food to Traci, From food to Trina”s husband and would have kept going if Trina hadn’t sucker punched her. The bible says your family is your worst enemy. Cain killed Abel over a garden. Read your bible. Trina got Tamar with words. So freaking what. Tamar is pissed her sisters, she comes on camera hogging the attention and taking them down one at a time. She thought it was funny her son hit her Mother with a golf cart. She’s been in the news “negatively” constantly. Noone laugh at her abuse by Vince. No one is laughing that Vince produced one pop up singer to Sony…his wife and now being sued. Trina business books are in the “black.” Wonder what color is Tamar/Vince books. Who gives a dam about some salty as french ?.

  7. Tamar started the mess. When did opinions become insult. It was about the food. Tamar jumped from food to Traci, From food to Trina”s husband and would have kept going if Trina hadn’t sucker punched her. The bible says your family is your worst enemy. Cain killed Abel over a garden. Read your bible. Trina got Tamar with words. So freaking what. Tamar is pissed her sisters, she comes on camera hogging the attention and taking them down one at a time. She thought it was funny her son hit her Mother with a golf cart. She’s been in the news “negatively” constantly. Noone laugh at her abuse by Vince. No one is laughing that Vince produced one pop up singer to Sony…his wife and now being sued. Trina business books are in the “black.” Wonder what color is Tamar/Vince books. Who gives a dam about some salty as french ?.

  8. The funny thing is all these Tamar haters would have had a field day if she said any of the stuff Trina said. If Tamar would have shaded Trina’s parenting, you better believe these Tamar haters would have been on here calling her everything but a child of God. But since Trina said it, it’s not a problem, right? Whatever.

  9. I think that kids are off limits. Trina was wrong for the comment. Tamar was wrong too because she never should’ve brought up trina’s ex.

  10. I dont know about you all, but the last few minutes of this episode exhausted me!!!! All that bickering takes a lot out of you!!! Tamar Tamar tamar! And I love her but that mouth needs to be tamed! Not what you say but how you say it! And you don’t always have to be the center of attention! In church acting like a park ape! Smh

  11. I dont know about you all, but the last few minutes of this episode exhausted me!!!! All that bickering takes a lot out of you!!! Tamar Tamar tamar! And I love her but that mouth needs to be tamed! Not what you say but how you say it! And you don’t always have to be the center of attention! In church acting like a park ape! Smh

  12. Everyone is so quick to drag Tamar because she doesn’t say things in the way they feel they should be said but news flash: when has Tamar ever been one to sugar coat anything?! She says what she feels and I don’t see how that’s a problem. They have been her sisters since she was born, therefore they should know her personality, Tamar is who she is and millions love her for it. If you don’t want the opinion of someone, don’t ask for it! Especially if you’re going to ask someone as straightforward as Tamar Braxton! The sisters started hating on Tamar seasons ago and I barely watch it because of it! It’s hard to watch someone get ganged up on every episode and for the people doing it to still act like they’re the victims. Fact is Trina, Traci, and Towanda are jealous of Tamar and they always have.

  13. The way Traci and Trina were acting and their comments to Tamar …how can they still pretend they care for Tamar when they treated Tamar like she was some trick on the street?! Traci was acting like she going to punch Tamar over some bullshit that happen yearsssss agooooo, like girl, get over it! And Trina is just a hateful person. I feel bad for Tamar, I would be done with my sisters for a while if we went through something like that. Also, why didn’t Vince says ANYTHING! I would never allowed a living soul to disrespect my wife or husband like that!

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