The Quad Recap: Sydney Gains Strength While Terrence Loses It All

Noni visits Cecil to return the box.

Cecil was released from the hospital and Noni stops by his office to return the box he gave her to practice. She tells him she’s finally mastered it, and she’s ready for the next challenge.

Terrence’s teammates are losing patience amid the allegations.

Terrence tries to have a pep talk before the homecoming game, but a few of his teammates are upset about the rape accusations against him.

When he tells them they don’t need any distractions, one football player in particular calls him out for being the biggest distraction on the team.

They almost fight but are broken up by the rest of the team.

The homecoming banquet dinner gets controversial.

At the dinner, Terrence asks to say a few words before Coach Hardwick says a prayer, much to Eva’s disgust.

Seconds after Terrence wraps up his speech about being thankful for his experiences at the school and on the football team, Sydney and Madison, with more female students, interrupt the event while shouting, “I did not consent.”

The ladies, including Sydney, swarm around Terrence as they chant the words louder. They are escorted out as Coach Hardwick and Eva look on.

Noni pays Ebony a visit.

Noni stops by Cedric’s dorm to have a heart to heart with Ebony and apologize for taking her spot in the band after the hazing incident.

“And I’m sorry that you didn’t hear me when I said I never want to see you again.” – Ebony

Noni feels like Ebony is the only person who ever really “got her.”

“While I was sitting at home thinking about killing myself, you were playing in my position.” – Ebony to Noni

Noni claims that she set up Danny and Cecil to get revenge for Ebony. She’s the one who gave the music sheet to the rival band director. Danny has been kicked out the band, and Ebony is impressed to know Noni did all of that just for her.

They hug and make up.

Coach Hardwick cleans his hands.

After seeing the protest at the banquet dinner, Coach Hardwick is convinced that Terrence did assault Sydney and others.

Terrence still denies it and calls his alleged victims “tricks.”

This sets off Hardwick and he kicks Terrence off the football team.

Terrence’s departure is good news for BoJohn.

BoJohn gets to start since Terrence is out. He scores three touchdowns and celebrates with Tiesha and Junior.

Jason proposes to Eva.

“Jason I’m sorry, I don’t know if I ever want to get married again.” – Eva to Jason

Eva doesn’t appreciate Jason accusing her of turning down his proposal because he doesn’t have a lot of money. He warns her that he will get even with her soon enough and leaves.

Terrence commits suicide.

After being kicked off the football team and losing Hardwick’s support, Terrence kills himself and his body is discovered on campus.


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. I would have liked if if they just showed Terrence going to jail and paying for his crimes. The writers took the easy way out.

  2. The writers did take the easy way out. I’m glad they gave new writers a chance but this just goes to show why you need experienced writers. The only parts that sizzled were the University President’s s-x life w the student and Terrance the rapist. Everyone else is a blurr. Besides the band director no one stood out. Oh yeah the boy that was in Jail the 1st time. That’s it… Hmmmmm the show did it ever hit 1 million viewers???

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