By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
On the season five finale of “Black Ink Crew,” things got real for Dutchess and Ceaser.
In fact, Dutchess took her lawyer’s advice and decided to move forward with her lawsuit against Cease.
Richard also decided to head to California to save his marriage to Nikki and the Atlanta shop is officially a go.
Here’s a recap of “Black Ink Crew: Atlanta.”
Click next for the details.
But Ceaser put Dutchess on….
He gave her a platform but he didn’t give her the ambition it took to open her own successful tattoo shop.
You mean VH1 put Dutchess on. Cease can’t put anyone on when he couldn’t even pay child support. Dutchess is a good one because there is no way I would be in a relationship with a bum for five years. The nerve of him trying to flip the script like she’s the one without morals when he wasn’t even providing for his damn kids.
She is a business woman and works for herself. He didn’t do that for her, she did it for herself.
From the finale alone, it seems like Dutchess is returning next season because of the lawsuit. But after the way Cease talked to her, I wish she wouldn’t.
So Kitty made all those threats about giving Dutchess the fade and did absolutely nothing when she came outside and security wasn’t around. Oh.
I caught that too. I mean she said Dutchess was such a coward but she didn’t even want to fight herself. It makes sense since her and Cease ain’t even really sleeping together and she’s just pretending for a storyline.
Stunts and shows.
Either way Dutchess can’t fight anyway. She was just going to run back in there and shut the door. Dutchess was in the doorway between the door. She is a chicken. She should have come out the room while hiding behind the door. How you gone spray someone and run. Spray and kick her butt out of the house. I don’t know what Kit would have done but the whole scene was corny and cowardly.
Kitty can’t fight either. None of these people can. That’s the point of having security around. Anyway I think the whole scene was staged anyway. There’s no way Dutchess sprayed real pepper spray. If she did, Kitty would have been coughing and unable to breathe just by being so close to it. I hate that this show has basically went from being somewhat real to completely scripted.
Dutchess didn’t come outside…she stood in the door not the same thing…and security is always around…just like they weren’t in the scene when Dutchess sprayed her but suddenly appeared they’re around just not on camera…if Kitty decided to try and run up Dutchess had already postioned herself to run in and close the door.
It’s so obvious that Karlie and Cease were acting. It wasn’t even believable.
NEW YORK DON’T GIVE HALF OF ANYTHING, Ductchess is going to have to prove that she paid for everything and where she got the money from. Lol anybody can sue you.Especially if her name ain’t on nothing. It’s considered here say, if she can’t prove that she contributed to Black Ink.
Yeah she’ll be back…
Yeah I’m still Team Dutchess.
Dutchess need to becareful who her friends are in NC cause she got one that talks about her like a dog an tells all your business! Be aware boo ! Your momma too!!
Dutchess had a plan from the moment she first came to Black Ink and that was that she wanted her own shop she had just gotten out of school and had nothing. She started working for black ink, started doing the boss then started asking for things and money. Remember her taking Cesar to those Million dollar houses asking him to buy her one? Remember Cesar helping her get the money for her shop when she ran out of money to finish it? Once she got her shop where she wanted it she came up with the girl coming with the fake pregnancy to break up with him and she ghosted. Problem is she never had knew what he knows about maintaining a business and her shop is not making what she thought, therefore the lawsuit to get more money out of him. Dutchess needs to kick rocks and should get nothing.