‘Basketball Wives’ Recap: Jackie Christie + Evelyn Lozada Clash in New York

Evelyn and Shanice spend time with one another.

Evelyn is still furious about Jackie’s antics. Evelyn tells Shanice that Jackie is mad for being called out.

“You call me a b*tch in front of my daughter, as far as I’m concerned, you can have it.” – Evelyn

Tami calls Evelyn to invite her on a trip to New York. Evelyn is excited to accept. She doesn’t even care about who else is invited.

Jackie and Tami sit down to recap Evelyn’s party.

Jackie invites Tami out to eat and to talk about Evelyn’s party. Tami tells Jackie that she was very reckless.

When Tami brought up that Evelyn yelled to Jackie that she needed to go find out about her grandchild, referring to Ta’kari’s son, Jackie became enraged.

Jackie feels that Evelyn wants Doug and expressed this to Tami.

“She want’s to be a sister-wife and I’m not interested.” – Jackie

Then Jackie throws disrespect towards Shanice.

“I ain’t over here saying I heard that Evelyn raised Jackie as a build-a-whore.” – Jackie

Tami then tries to smooth over the situation, however, Jackie isn’t having it and is demanding an apology from Evelyn to keep the peace. She then says that the Big Apple isn’t big enough for both of them.

Evelyn and Shaunie hang out in the Bronx.

Tami’s trip to New York goes down without a hitch. Evelyn and Shaunie arrive first so they decide to hang out in the Bronx and visit Evelyn’s mother.

They take the train and Shaunie reveals this is the first time she’s taken the subway. However, with Evelyn she’s in good hands. Evelyn has them get off in the Bronx and they go to the local stores.

As they are out and about, their fans are polite and throw them praise.

They go out for pizza and then meet Evelyn’s mom. Thy reminisce over Evelyn’s childhood and brings up really personal things about their s*x life, including Evelyn getting pregnant at 16. Evelyn’s mom also revealed how her first boyfriend was nervous because he took her virginity.

They also talk about Evelyn’s IVF treatment. She encourages Evelyn to hurry up and have another child.

“You don’t want to be 50 having another child.” – Evelyn’s Mom

When they take a taxi back to the hotel, Evelyn mentions she doesn’t want to see Jackie. They also look up Jackie’s age on the internet. They find a page that has Jackie’s weight at 57 kilos and has a waist size of 13. Evelyn says, “That’s a G**D*** lie!”

When they get back to the hotel, they run into Tami. Tami invites them out for drinks and tells them that Jackie will be there.

Tami tells Evelyn that Jackie feels that she is a stalker, and she wants to be a sister-wife. Evelyn begins to laugh uncontrollably as she hears all of this.

Jackie lands in New York and she invited Saniy’yah.

Jackie Christie hits below the belt.

Tami has Evelyn, Jackie and Shaunie out for drinks. Evelyn, Jackie and Shaunie arrive first. Tami tells the ladies to keep their cool when Jackie arrives. Evelyn tells the ladies if Jackie “wasn’t a d*ckhead, there wouldn’t be problems.”

Jackie heads out and reveals she invited Shaniy’yah to meet with Tami and the rest of the group. They head out in a taxi. She tells Saaniy’yah her side of the story and about how she felt disrespected by Evelyn donating to Ta’kari’s fund raiser.

Bonnie-Jill arrives with Hazel and everyone is cordial. However when Jackie and Shaniy’yah arrive, Evelyn keeps quiet. As the ladies are making small talk, Evelyn stares down Jackie. Jackie feels the glares and jumps directly to Evelyn and their conflict.

Jackie brings up what the “take care of your grandchild” line. Evelyn sternly says that “this is the first and last time you will ever call me a b**** in front of my daughter.”

Jackie’s response was unexpected:

“Let it be the first and last time that you disrespect me, though, in front of myself.” – Jackie

As they begin to argue and speak over one another, Tami gets control of the table and calms them down. However, this doesn’t last long as the two begin to argue again.

Jackie suddenly brings up the build-a-whore line to Evelyn and things escalate even further.

“What if I listened to the stuff on the internet about you having a daughter that they say is a build-a-whore?” – Jackie

Shaniy’yah says that both Evelyn and Jackie have now hit below the belt. Evelyn gets up from the table and Shaunie goes after her. As she does that, Saniy’yah tries to explain further how Jackie went too far, Jackie ignores that and says, “But you can’t tell nobody, ‘don’t you ever’ because I will turn over this table and I will kill her.”

Jackie expresses that she feels like Evelyn brought her daughter into their feud first.

Evelyn Lozada finally unleashes on Jackie Christie.

“Kids are off limits. They just are.” – Shaunie

Outside, Evelyn is distraught and really angry. Bonnie-Jill walks outside and says that Jackie is demanding an apology. Evelyn shouts, “Hell will freeze over before you ever get an apology from me.”

Tami doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Jackie to be demanding an apology from Evelyn.

“Oh girl, she better this leave this woman alone. She better leave this woman alone.” – Tami

Suddenly, Jackie goes out to confront Evelyn.

“I understand that I called you a b*tch in front of your daughter and you didn’t like it. So I apologize but I want an apology from you for calling me a b*tch tonight…” – Jackie

“You ain’t getting sh*t.” – Evelyn

Things continue to escalate.

“I’ll knock that motherf*cker out, Tami. I really will.” – Jackie

After Jackie says this, Evelyn lounges for her.

“B*tch! I’m right here, you tramp! You f*cking whore!” – Jackie

Security breaks them up but anger is still flowing. Jackie is still yelling, calling Evelyn a build-a-whore b****. Jackie then tries to run after Evelyn. As Evelyn gets into the taxi, she calls her family and friends to have them meet her at the hotel, to go after Jackie.

Jackie is telling Tami and Shaniy’yah that she will “kill” Evelyn. She starts demanding someone tells her Evelyn’s room number.

“At this point, we at war.” – Jackie

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  1. Evelyn made this about the kids when she told Jackie to see about her grandkids. She can’t get all mad now that Jackie is now bringing up her daughter when Evelyn went there first.

    1. Not the same. Evelyn didn’t directly insult Jackie’s kids. She insulted Jackie and told her to be a grandmother. Jackie actually called Ev’s daughter a whore. Big difference.

  2. Evelyn thought Jackie was going to back down but it didn’t play out that way. Now watch her try to get Jackie kicked off the show.

  3. I’m trying to understand when the f-ck Jackie got all this damn courage. When Brooke whooped her a-s, she didn’t have all this mouth.

  4. I love Jackie. Crazy and all. She doesnt pretend to be normal. Evelyn is sad. First her daughter is a grown women hanging out with grown women. Not some baby with virgin ears.
    Why is evelyn on this show. She has rich man who wont marry her, child support coming in, why?

  5. I must agree this show is becoming a bad look for Evelyn she doesn’t need this show like the others

  6. Evelyn is a mean girl, and met her match. She thought she could say whatever she wanted to Jackie, and Jackie would go to a corner. Evelyn started first with talking about Jackie’s grandchild and daughter. Jackie was wrong too. Evelyn constantly talks about people’s looks, they need a make over/ fat, or she likes hanging out with pretty girls, and not girls who look like a mess. She is really shallow and high school. Jackie is crazy, but she don’t make fun of pls look.

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