By: A.J. Niles
Colin Kaepernick is a very polarizing figure in today’s sports climate. Ever since he began to protest police brutality during the playing of the national anthem at NFL games, his behavior has been heavily scrutinized.
Some feel his inability to land a job with another NFL team, since his former employer, the San Francisco 49ers, released him, is a direct result of this protest.
Many of his NFL peers and fans feel he is being blackballed out of the league due to his protests. He’s garnered much support from other athletes and celebrities, including LeBron James and Charlamagne the God.
However, there are others that feel Colin needs to clean up his act, cut his hair, and silence his beliefs in order to get picked up by another team. One of these critics includes Michael Vick, who had his share of drama during his time as an influential NFL Quarterback.
Click next for the details.
There will always be black people who crave white acceptance and are too fearful to impact any real change.
I wish these c–ns would stop trying to speak for the rest of us. Colin knows what he has to do to get back on a team but he doesn’t want to do that sh-t and I don’t blame him. Not everyone’s soul can be bought.
Vick must have forgotten about how he was locked up for dog fighting. He sounds like a fool.
It just goes to show you some of us will never get it. And that’s why we can’t progress as a race. We have way too many sellouts to make progress as a collective.
Sigh…So disappointed in Vick.
He sounds so stupid he should be the last person speaking out against Kap because the majority of white people to this day still hate Vick’s guts. Even after he paid his debt to society changed his image got a hair cut clean cut they still hate him so conforming isn’t going to make white people see you any different so where has white acceptance really got him? No matter if Kap wore suits cut his hair everything that makes white people comfortable they would still hate him because he standing up for injustices for black people and we all know how majority of white people feel about that.
Can’t stand c–ns.
Mike is a certified fool.
When a biracial man has more black pride than a black man…
Vick sounds like an idiot. I can’t believe I used to like him.
Colin has really exposed all the sellouts in the NFL. I appreciate it.
There are plenty of other athletes who have long hair in the league. Why doesn’t Vick think they need to cut their hair?
we love you vick! #757