By: A.J. Niles
As we get closer to the NFL season starting, Colin Kaepernick still hasn’t been picked up by a team.
This has led to many protests and heated debates.
The irony of it all is that several black professional athletes (active and retired) have called out Colin for his protest of the National Anthem.
Even Michael Vick came out to say Colin needed to cut his hair and change his image to help land a Quarterback job.
Despite this, Aaron Rodgers sees through the BS. And he called it out in a recent interview.
Click next for the details.
Aaron always keeps it real and says what he feels. I like that about him.
I’m not surprised Aaron said this. He has never given a f-ck.
Love this.
It’s embarrassing that a white star quarterback has more sense than the black athletes who have been calling out Kap so they can get a pat on the head by Trump supporters.
Jim Brown said it best, as an American you stand to respect the flag and all it means. You dishonor yourself and those who have died for our way of life: to be free. You can make your point and you should just not this way, it’s disrespectful and it’s hurting your career for that I am truly sorry. You can’t change things overnight, it’s a struggle we’re all in everyday of our lives.
Some people in this country care more about a flag than black bodies. It’s amazing that Aaron Rodgers, a white man, has more sense about this than Jim Brown. Soilders didn’t die so we can worship a flag. They fought for us so we have the freedom to stand up for what we believe in, even if that means kneeling during the national anthem. Jim Brown should be the last person grand standing though considering his past violence towards women. He’s the monster. Not Colin.