By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Love and Hip Hop Hollywood” fans have had plenty to say about the showdown between Moniece Slaughter and Lyrica Anderson on last night’s episode.
Of course, no one has more to say than the cast of the show.
And there was plenty more jabs thrown during the most recent “Check Yourself” too.
Click next for the details.
Moniece wasn’t going to do sh-t. Just like she wasn’t going to do sh-t when Princess ran up on her. When she finds out people aren’t scared of her, she pulls that “I’m trying to be better” bullsh-t, knowing damn well she’s really just shook someone is about to beat her a-s.
I agree with all of this. LOL.
Moniece knows who to try and that has been proven multiple times now.
Clock her Alexis.
Is Moniece serious trying to shade Lyrica’s singing career when she doesn’t have one herself? At least Lyrica is making money as a writer. Moniece is such a delusional hater.
I’ve noticed Moniece and Masika like to do the same thing. When they get shook, they pretend they are trying to better themselves but like seconds later they show they are still their messy selves.
They are all messy and Lyrica is messy as f***. She tried to play Monuece and disrespected he really and Moniece never disrespected her until she start throwing jabs. She stanning for Alexis like Moniece I said for Masika so there’s no difference. People jus wanna hate Moniece and give everybody else’s a pass for the same bs. IM sorry Lyrica was out of line n disrespectful over some hoe she just met. She must really need the money but actin like she above all on the show. BUt let the Moniece haters come n tell some BS.
My thing with Moniece she’s childish and hypocritical. She tells Lyrica she shouldn’t have the cape on for Alexis but here Moniece is getting into whole beefs with people over Masika. She should take her own advice and sit down somewhere. Masika and Moniece had so much to say during that corny podcast but stay trying to avoid the people they have so much to say about. Cowards.
Oh that podcast was so dreadful to watch. Them 2 b-tches are pathetic!
Moniece and Alexis need to shut the hell up cuz she was shooked when her girlfriends best friend got in her a-s and Alexis didn’t have all that mouth when old boys baby mama came up in there ready to beat that a-s! she was begging and pleading to her saying she didn’t know he was messing with her like a little b*tch then she want to break bad and talk sh*t once security came around when the girl was halfway out the door. Lol