‘Power’ Creator Courtney Kemp Explains Why Raina Was Killed off Instead of Tariq

Many suspected that Tariq St. Patrick’s interest in the crime world would get him killed in season four.

However, it was his twin Raina who was shot and killed by crooked cop Ray Ray.

Courtney says there was no way Tariq would feel the consequences of his actions if he was the one who got the bullet instead of Raina.

She tells Deadline:

DEADLINE: So, with the catharsis catheter held off until next year, where are you with Season 5 and where is this multiple set of showdowns going?

KEMP: It’s actually interesting because we just turned in the first episode of Season 5. Right now, we’re looking at it as a direct pickup, and it begins in a place of Angela trying to figure out, hey, what the hell happened here? Then from that perspective, then it’s all about Tasha trying to kind of keep Tariq out of trouble.

It’s also Ghost, Tommy, and Kanan, obviously, being united in the direction I already spoke of, and then Tariq, now having to pay the price for what has happened. You know, a lot of the people last week were like, I can’t believe you killed Raina. Well, the reason we made that choice, in no small part, was that Tariq’s journey had to include grave consequences, and if he were the one who died, he would not have had to face them.

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