‘Married to Medicine’ Recap: Dr. Heavenly Angers the Group + Toya, Cecil & Greg Go Off

Quad thinks the ladies picked on her.

Simone and Quad continue to argue about Quad getting away with everything within the group, something Mariah feels she can never do.

The husbands leave as things get really heated, and Toya and Jackie give their two cents.

Toya says Quad places herself on a pedestal above everyone else, and Jackie says that she doesn’t respect anyone else’s time and shows up late to everything.

While Quad says she receives that, in a green screen interview, Quad says she feels like the ladies are just making stuff up to pick on her.

Heavenly says that Quad doesn’t know how to forgive people in the group, ie. Mariah.

“When Quad gets mad with you, there’s no turning back.” – Heavenly

Quad then gets angry and says they are all being hypocrites because they are all just as sensitive as she is.

“What the hell is Quad talking about? She can throw out shade but she can’t take it.” – Simone

Mariah says in a green screen interview that talking to Quad has been pointless and she’s not hearing what anyone has to say.

Later on, Dr. Damon and Dr. Heavenly talk in their hotel room, and Heavenly says she’s excited about what’s in store later that night…couple’s therapy night.

She wants the couples to sit face to face and ask the difficult questions. She made the lists of questions.

“I think sitting there one on one looking in each other’s eyes will be life changing.” – Heavenly

Damon agrees that this is a good idea.

When the couples get to the bonfire, things get intense.

It’s the night of couple’s therapy.

It annoys Simone and Cecil that Heavenly and Damon don’t plan to open up about their own marriage.

Curtis and Jackie go first.

Heavenly instructs Jackie to ask Curtis what his mistress did for him that she couldn’t.

Curtis says he’s not going to discuss that because Jackie means more to him and he just made a horrible “miscalculation.”

In a green screen interview, Toya and Eugene say they feel Curtis is a hot mess.

Curtis is instructed to ask Jackie why she acts like she doesn’t care at times. She breaks down crying and she says that she’s actually very emotional but she hides that to be strong.

She lets him know that she does care about him.

In a green screen interview, Contessa says that she believes that Jackie can be cold towards Curtis because he doesn’t make her feel safe.

Curtis tells Jackie that he wants to make things right and he’s ready to do whatever it takes.

Jackie feels it’s time for her to soften up and allow Curtis back into her heart.

They have an emotional hug, Quad and Toya look disgusted.

Eugene and Toya are called up next by Heavenly.

Heavenly instructs Eugene to ask Toya why she disrespects him in public.

Eugene refuses and says Heavenly feels that way but he doesn’t.

In a green screen interview, Eugene says he really wanted to tell Heavenly about herself but didn’t out of respect for Damon.

“I‘m trying to show restraint because I love Damon.” – Eugene

Toya is instructed to answer if she loves Eugene outside of the material things he can give her. Toya refuses and calls Heavenly a bad relationship therapist.

They start arguing and Heavenly gets up and tries to walk over to Toya to get in her face but is restrained by Damon.

“Get your a*s up so I can ask you some questions!” – Toya

Damon pulls Heavenly to the side and tells her to calm down. She hears him out.

Toya vents to Jackie about Heavenly before crying.

“She’s rude.” – Toya

At this point, Mariah walks over and tells Jackie and Toya that she’s been in Jackie’s shoes.

“Nobody’s exempt Toya.” – Mariah

In a green screen interview, Mariah confirms that Aydin cheated on her in the past but they made a decision to fight for their marriage.

“We can learn from each other so much no matter how long we’ve been married…I’m getting that.” – Mariah

Jackie emotionally thanks Mariah for her words.

After that exchange, Simone and Cecil go next.

Simone is instructed to ask Cecil if it was fair for him to invest money in an app without talking to her first.

He says that Simone did the same thing when she bought a Maserati without talking to him.

“Stay fair.” – Simone

Simone says that he needs to not bring up stuff from the past and this frustrates Cecil.

“This is dumb sh*t!” – Cecil

At this point, Cecil gets angry and they start screaming at each other.

Cecil starts walking away and Curtis walks over to confront him.

Toya once again calls Heavenly out for asking questions she feels is messy.

Jackie comforts Simone who cries and says she wishes Cecil would stop acting like he’s perfect.

“He lost control, Jackie.” – Simone

“We all do Simone, don’t take it personal…we’re all in a hard place.” – Jackie

The guys tell Cecil to walk up to Simone and calmly explain why he went off. She tells him that he needs to calm down.

Then Quad and Greg go next.

Dr. Hevenly then instructs Quad to ask Greg if he appreciates her. He says he does but he feels like she doesn’t do as much for him as he does for her.

She says there is nothing she won’t do for him and he says “talk is cheap.”

He says she’s not available most of the time and she says he needs to bring her in. She then brings up the fact that she believes he feels she should be thankful she’s married to a doctor.

“Either you love me for who I am or you don’t.” – Greg

She says he should be doing the masculine things she needs and Greg goes off.

“There you go with that masculine sh*t, again!” – Greg

Greg starts going off after Quad asks why he can’t take out the trash.

The group tries to calm the situation down.

Greg then calls out Heavenly and says she can’t open a can of worms if she doesn’t plan on closing them. The group cheers when he says this and Contessa and the others question how she’s a relationship expert.

Damon then tries to take up for Heavenly and says that he and Heavenly have been through some dark things.

He explains that she can’t always express herself and they should forgive her because she didn’t have messy intentions.

They receive what Damon says.

Heavenly gets emotional, thankful Damon had her back.

The group starts to calm down thanks to Damon.

Toya, Mariah and Quad take a ride.

Toya invites both Mariah and Quad to drive around and look for Rihanna’s roots.

The husbands get together and recap couple’s therapy. They all agree Damon saved the night.

Toya, Mariah and Quad discuss Heaven’s questions. Toya feels like Heavenly owes everyone an apology.

They arrive to Rihanna’s childhood home and take some selfies in front of it before driving off.

Greg tells the other husbands that he and Quad have really been fighting a lot lately. He’s tired of her telling him what he doesn’t do and being vague when he asks for specifics.

Eugene tells him that it’s more to what Quad is saying and women just want to be listened to.

Greg says he think he and Quad will be alright eventually.

Later that night, the group meets for dinner on the beach.

Cecil tells the group that he feels like they are all family and he got angry because the questions were very intense.

Despite this, everyone agrees that it’s clear the group loves and supports one another.

In a green screen interview, Jackie says she is now grateful Simone invited Curtis.

It starts pouring down and they have to wrap up dinner quickly.


What are your thoughts on the episode?

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  1. I hope this now shows that Heavenly is no relationship expert. All she does is cause chaos and pretend she has no idea what people are talking about when she gets called out.

  2. Heavenly should not have been the one coming up with the questions. That should have been left up to the couples themselves. I’m convinced she had no intentions on helping any of them. She wanted to cause drama.

  3. I want to know what her husband was referring too when he said she been through dark stuff or issues she’s been through it’s time for her to start spilling her drama. But I agree, its something evil about that woman.

  4. Most of these marriages are dysfunctional. I don’t care for Heavenly but she is right about Toya. Toya does disrespect Eugene in front of everyone else. The Curtis situation, telling everyone he likes to jack off and cursing him out last season are just a few examples.

  5. Cecil has a point. She bought that car without telling him so why is she tripping about him investing without talking to her? And I don’t see how he’s trying to be perfect.

    1. All of that is right as rain, Toya talks to much. It’s like she’s looking for an audience so someone will agree with her when in fact everyone is embarrassed because of her. Eugene was trying to save face, bless his heart.

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