‘Black Ink Crew’ Star Donna Gets Dragged After Caught in Bathroom With Alex?

Photo Credit: Instagram

By: A.J. Niles

Season 6 of “Black Ink Crew” is proving to be craziest one yet, in part due to the antics of Donna Lombardi.

Earlier in the season, Donna was revealed to be a real-life source of roommate drama on a segment of “Help Me Howard.”

Donna ended up fighting her accuser and her daughter with help from Young Bae.

Now, Donna is allegedly living up to a reputation given to her by her cast mates; hooking up with everyone in the Black Ink shop.

Click next for the details.

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  1. All I can think about is all the things Dutchess said on The Breakfast Club. These people really sell their souls for a check.

  2. Donna has absolutely no respect for herself but that’s always been obvious. But when you have to do the most for a storyline because you can’t tattoo worth a damn, this is how things play out for you. I hope the check is worth it but I mean this is the same chick who was renting a room in New York at the beginning of the season so I don’t think it is.

  3. It does look like they were doing it and knowing Donna, it’s not like it’s something she wouldn’t do. That’s what makes this so sad. This is right up Donna’s alley.

  4. This show has gotten really bad. The first two seasons were real and had substance. Now it’s nothing but trash and fakery every episode.

  5. Disgusting. And the fact that they all behave like this at their so called place of employment makes it even more disgusting.

  6. I’m all for women doing what they want and men too, but damn do these people ever just do their damn jobs? There is no professionalism there whatsoever.

  7. Dutchess is looking like the clear winner here. She left and has her own shop, a radio show and funeral home. She doesn’t have to do all this extreme stuff for a check anymore like the rest. And this is a terrible look for Cease. Does he not understand all this ratchet behavior makes people not take his shops seriously? I know being on TV can appear to be easy money but it’s just not worth it in the long run.

  8. There is nothing Donna could ever do to shock me at this point. I came on her like of course this happened. I guess she wanted to see if Alex’s nickname has any truth to it. And I bet that’s why he chose that nickname. He knew females like Donna would sleep with him out of curiosity.

  9. How old is Donna? She must be really young because she doesn’t seem to think about how all these choices she made on this show will affect her years from now. This sh-t stays without you forever. And this Alex guy has made bad decisions while he was younger that he is still living with. I don’t understand this generation. But ok.

  10. All Donna does on the show is f-ck everyone in the shop and fight everyone in the shop. She can’t tattoo. Can’t work a job properly. Nothing. So it’s all fun and games now, but what is she going to do when the show is over?

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