By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
On last night’s episode of “Real Housewives of Atlanta,” things got heated between Kandi and Kim.
Their sit down went left after Kim used the wrong choice of words during a conversation in which Kandi questioned Kim’s constant use as Kroy as a chauffeur.
NeNe breaks down after her choice of words for a heckler result in lots of backlash and being booted from the Xscape tour.
And Sheree sides firmly with Kim after NeNe accuses her of being racist.
Here’s a recap of “Driving Miss Kim.”
Click next for the details.
The best part of this episode was Kandi shutting Kim all the way down. I just wish she would not have turned friendly right after. These women have to understand that Kim doesn’t really care about any of them. She uses them and discards them like trash.
While Kim is accusing NeNe of being on something, she may need to worry about her drinking problem. If she can’t film a scene with alcohol, she definitely has a problem.
Kim def has a drinking problem.
Thank you.
This is why I can’t take her seriously when she says she’s happy and everyone else is so jealous of her. Can you really be happy if you can’t leave the house without a drink in your hand? Nobody wants to be in your shoes Kim. Trust.
My thoughts exactly. But this is Kim we’re talking about. She projects, deflects and lies a lot. She will try to make everyone think NeNe is on drugs just so no one will speak about her being an alcoholic.
She’s had a drinking problem for a long time. She has some nerve accusing NeNe of being on anything considering her own demons.
If anyone else pulled the same crap Kim is pulling right now, they would be phased out the show like they are doing Kenya right now. I’m so over Andy and Bravo giving Kim so many passes.
Sheree is really annoying me this season. The way she tried to force Kandi to talk bad about NeNe was pathetic.
I can’t stand Sheree. I was hype about her coming back but she has been a huge disappointment. From falling in love with an inmate to defending Kim at all costs, I just can’t take her anymore.
Sheree is trying to turn everyone against Nene. It won’t work though.
And I can’t figure out what Sheree’s issue is. Is she really mad at NeNe over a prisoner NeNe hasn’t spoken to or thought of in years? I guess those daily collect calls haven’t done much to help her insecurities.
The producers did throw a little shade when they showed all those times Kim said some questionable things.
They came with the receipts.
I’d love for Sheree to explain why she couldn’t tell Kim she wrong too when she was in Kim’s face. Why did she wait to say that when it was just her and Kandi?
Sheree is setting herself up to have no alliances outside of Kim. That’s not a smart move.
Kandi lost points with me by playing nice with Kim after she called her out. She’s been much harder on the other black women on the show.
I think Sheree and Kim have an agreement to try to take down NeNe. And Kim has that new producer on her side so she feels invincible. But what they didn’t think about was that the other ladies would end up backing NeNe. We will see all of that unfold at the reunion. Sheree picked the wrong team, again. LOL.
Kids are off limits until they decide they want to come for adults. Kim and Sheree are full of it.
There are too many double standards when it comes to celebrities. Why is the woman who told Nene to kill herself not being dragged too? We don’t have a right to say whatever we want either.
Sheree ain’t sh-t but the new Sweetie.
So true. Sheree disgusts me.
Kim swears everybody is jealous of her. The delusion is so real.
Kim and Sheree are really ruining the season for me. I didn’t think it was possible for me to dislike both so much at the same time.
I hate this whole season. The only thing that seems worth my time will be the reunion because Kim finally gets the dragging she deserves. That one moment makes the whole season worth it I guess.
Where Kim messed up was coming for NeNe AND Kenya in the same season. She didn’t think they would link up. *giggles*
lmao come all the way through kandi
I want someone to ask Kim what she has to be jealous over. I’d love for her to answer that.
I can’t stand Kim! She always plays the victim when she’s the one who has started all of the drama this season.
Wendy hit the nail on the head today. If Kim was doing good money wise, she would not be back on RHOA. She needs the money and her show isn’t doing that well. But instead of being real about it, she lies and pretends her show is a hit and everyone is soooo jealous of her.
Here what I find hypocritical. Everyone was so upset with Porsha for saying to Kandi what Phaedra told her about Kandi wanting to rape her. However, they had compassion for Nene when she told the woman she hoped she got raped. This seems like a double standard. Porsha was saying something she was told, apologized repeatedly and has tried to mend the relationships only to have it continually thrown in her face. I believe Nene was reacting out of anger just like Porsha was when she was trying to defend herself. They both deserved compassion. Why wasn’t that given to Porsha? She’s constantly crucified for something that happened months ago and she’s repeatedly apologized for. ??♀️