By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
On part three of the reunion for season five of “Married to Medicine,” two couples placed their marriages in the hot seat.
Cecil and Dr. Simone got to the root of their problems. It was revealed that Cecil’s friendship with a woman named Tammy was one of the biggest hurdles for Simone.
However, Cecil stated that he would end his friendship to Tammy. He also confirmed he would commit to therapy.
Simone agreed to cancel the divorce after these revelations were made.
Simone also agreed to put Cecil’s needs first too.
This major development would not have occurred if the rest of the group didn’t come together to force the couple to talk things out.
While Simone and Cecil had a major breakthrough, the same can’t be said for Dr. G and Quad.
The couple left the reunion still unsure of the future of their marriage.
Here’s a recap of “Reunion Part 3.”
Click next for the details.
Notice that the group wasn’t determine to keep Quad and Greg together. Very telling.
I think they feel like it’s no way to save that marriage.
True but I thought it was cool that Quad and Greg still wanted to make sure things worked out for Cecil and Simone.
Quad and Greg are delaying the inevitable at this point.
I figured there had to be something much deeper with Simone and Cecil that they weren’t really sharing. It had to be infuriating to see Cecil be closer to another woman than his own wife. And if this Tammy person was a real friend to Cecil she would have never overstepped her boundaries. I have male friends from college. But I don’t overstep boundaries and respect their relationships. Their s/o should be their best friend. Not me.
This was a really good reunion. And that’s because the whole season has been real. A lot of these other so called reality shows need to take note.
I am so glad those two worked it out, I’m sorry about Quad & Greg but Quad is to bitter right now & i think she’s not ready to be someone’s wife & that’s ok because sometimes you don’t know till you’re in it. Hopefully they can both find what they need elsewhere because i can’t take anymore of her whinning.
This was a hell of a season. I love this show.
Heavenly is never going to open up about her marriage. She will keep acting like it’s perfect while tea is all on the internet.
Simone and Cecil’s problems can be worked out so I’m glad they realized that. But it was nice to see everyone try to make them actually talk and LISTEN to each other for once.
Maybe it’s just me but I never got the sense that Simone really wanted a divorce anyway. It just seems like she just went through the motions to get Cecil to straighten up and finally cut off this Tammy lady. She loves that man.
That’s exactly what happened. Cecil already spilled the tea that Simone would threaten to divorce him all the time for years when she got angry with him.
Good a-s season. Sometimes you just have to be real with your friends and check them. I appreciate that everybody checked the f-ck out of Cecil and Simone and refused to let them break up over some bulls-t. That’s real friendship right there.