Azealia Banks Says Cardi B is a Caricature (UPDATE)
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Amanda is a TV junkie with a passion for all things reality television. She's from Decatur, GA.
she’s right
I mean she made some good points, but she should talk less about other artists and talk more about her art. She’s too talented for all this drama.
I’m not going to pretend that she’s not right about a lot of things she said about Cardi. However, talking about Cardi, Bey, etc. is not helping her career. Sometimes you just have to worry about yourself.
She flip flops a lot. It’s annoying.
She really does. Especially when she’s dragged the same people she praised in this interview.
She’s acting really…calm. I’m surprised.
Cardi will respond because she’s too sensitive for this business. Let me sit down and wait on it.
I’ve been saying this all along. If Cardi was a dark skinned black woman pregnant and humping on a stage during a performance, she’d be dragged from here to kingdom come, the black community would have ended her. Cardi plays victim but it doesn’t change the truth.
I like Cardi but she always has to be the victim. She’s not the only artist who gets criticism. There are people who have been in the game much longer than her who get way more criticism for just breathing. You don’t see them whining about it everyday on Twitter. She needs thicker skin asap. And most black women have already come to the same conclusion about Cardi that Azealia has. We still listen to her music but we ain’t deaf, blind or dumb. She gets away with a lot. And she would not if she looked like Azealia Banks. That’s facts. Not hating.
Cardi is a caricature. She knows this and plays up to it because it’s made her rich. So why is she mad about Azealia pointing out the obvious?
Cardi needs thicker skin. I can’t believe she let Azealia run her off IG and private her Twitter account. She should have paid Azealia dust like everyone else does.