By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Nicki Minaj returned to social media months ago to release new music, and also reconnect with her fans.
However, it looks as if her social media presence may now be fueling more rumors of a beef with Cardi B seeing as her recent tweets promoted Cardi’s fiance Offset to respond.
Click next for the details.
Offset was triggered by some tweets that probably had nothing to do with him or Cardi.
Nicki is miserable? No, miserable is thinking tweets are about you when they aren’t. Miserable is refusing to enjoy your pregnancy to respond to every negative comment written about you.
All of this. Cardi especially is always telling her haters she wins because she’s so rich but she doesn’t act like she’s really happy. It’s a shame Nicki can’t even tweet about general thoughts about her life and past relationships without Cardi thinking it’s about her. She’s too easily triggered. And I know Offset only tweeted this because Cardi told him too. He’s always shading Nicki for her.
I don’t think anyone wants a relationship like Cardi and Offset’s. He’s delusional.
Offset should really simmer down. I don’t think Nicki was talking about Cardi but a hit dog will holler. And the shoe fits.
Hmm, let me guess how this all went down. Nicki tweets, Cardi peeps and tells Offset to handle it so she won’t look pressed by Nicki (which she is but everyone thinks it’s just Nicki pressed). I guess no matter how many wins she gets, she’s still worried about Nicki and what random strangers think of her. That’s a sad way to live but whatever.
His tweets and IG captions are always so hard to understand.
I’m still waiting for Offset to clap back at Azealia too for Cardi. But I’m sure he knows better.