Teddy gives Cease an update.
The night after Ted broke up with Tati, Cease comes by Teddy’s room.
He’s feeling better and wants to now enjoy the casino.
Teddy is tired and says he didn’t get much sleep.
“I really hate being accused of sh*t I didn’t do.” – Teddy
The two cousins discuss the blowup that took place between Teddy and Tati. He can’t believe Tati asked hm if he slept with Krystal.
In a green screen interview, Cease says he doesn’t believe people can be in relationships without drama. And Teddy is starting to feel the same way.
Tati, Bae, Walt, Kitty and Bae’s mother are back at the casino.
Walt is hopeful they will make some good money.
Things get awkward after Krystal comes around.
Producers flashback to Tati checking Krystal for hanging out with Teddy behind her back.
So now the two women aren’t speaking.
Not too long after, Teddy and Cease join them. Krystal tells Teddy to stay away so things won’t get even more messy.
Teddy then reminds Bae’s mom that she had some paperwork to give Cease. So she hands him what appears to be the lawsuit Alex filed against Cease.
“This motherf*cker ain’t hurt.” – Cease
In a green screen interview, Cease says Alex is just trying to extort him. He’s not paying a dime.
“F*ck Donna too.” – Cease
Sky meets up with Des back in New York.
They haven’t spoken since their previous argument.
This is a nervous situation for Sky.
When Des gets there, he immediately apologizes for how he spoke to Sky.
Sky also apologizes for how she handled Red the other day. She realizes Des just wants to meet his dad.
As Sky gets tearful, they hug and Sky explains she doesn’t know how to be a mom. She’s still learning.
Although Sky doesn’t want Red to hurt Des like he did her, she understands Des has a right to get to know his father if that’s what he wants.
“You a man now, no matter what my past is with him, you judge it for yourself and take what you can from it.” – Sky
Sky agrees to put Des in contact with Red.
Donna asks Puma for a favor.
She heads to his shop and asks him if they can speak privately outside.
In a green screen interview, she says she wants to team up with Puma to get even with Cease.
When they get outside, Donna tells Puma what Cease and Teddy did to Alex.
“There’s no way I could ever work with Cease again.” – Donna
So she asks Puma if she can have her job back in his shop.
Puma reminds her that she’s caused drama in his shop too.
Producers flashback to a scene of Donna fighting a deaf girl in Puma’s shop.
Regardless, Donna promises that she’s changed and she won’t cause any more problems.
Since Puma does want to get under Cease’s skin, he tells Donna she can return to his shop, Art 2 Ink Studio.
Excited about this, Donna hugs him.
Apparently Teddy can’t take being at the resort with Tati.
So he decides to leave early and head back to New York.
Tati is glad he left so she can enjoy herself.
Those remaining continue to enjoy the casino.
And Walt is near his $6000 goal thanks to Cease and the others.
Unfortunately, they lose everything when Cease gets too big for his britches.
Afterwards, Krystal and Tokie catch up.
Krystal explains why she’s not cool with Tati anymore.
She says Teddy took her out for coffee to apologize for flirting with her. He just wanted her to know her job is not in jeopardy and they weren’t on a date.
In a green screen interview, Krystal says it’s messed up that Tati would lie on her just because she’s jealous.
She starts crying to Tokie that it’s hard being pretty because people always assume she sleeps her way to the top.
Tokie hugs her and tells Krystal she’s there for her.
The day after Walt continues to sulk about losing all his money.
They were only $1000 away from meeting Walt’s $6000 goal.
Although they want to put all their money together to gamble again, Walt doesn’t have much to contribute.
Bae wonders where her mother is.
She hasn’t been answering Bae’s phone calls either.
Producers then show Bae’s mother playing poker with strangers.
She ends up winning a lot of money. About $6700. She says the money is for Walt and he’s very happy.
It’s Donna’s first day back at Puma’s shop.
He tells her the rules and warns her not to start any more drama.
Donna is also reminded that she slept with one of his employees.
Not too long after, her client comes by.
The client wants peace in french tattooed on her knuckles.
She’s battling depression and borderline personality disorder.
After Donna wraps up, her client is happy with Donna’s work.
Des meets Red.
When they see each other for the first time, Des says he wanted to meet him when he was little and everyone else brought their dad to school.
They discuss Red’s disappearance.
Red says that he never left but Sky actually pushed him away.
When Des says Sky was too young when she got pregnant, Red says Sky lied about her age and told him was 18. He says Sky’s mother was the one who told him the truth and then Sky took Des away from him.
He breaks down crying and says it was hard not seeing Des. It’s been 16 years.
Des consoles him and says he’s happy to see him. He just wants them to form a relationship now.
Walt moves out of the projects.
Cease and Teddy come by to help.
All of them are glad to be out of the hood.
They laugh when they hear a rat nearby.
In a green screen interview, Walt says he had to hit rock bottom to stop drinking and get his life back on track.
Cease calls up Alex to talk.
Although Alex agrees to it, 30 minutes go by.
A car pulls up and it’s Donna instead.
“Yo, what the f*ck you doing here?” – Cease
Donna says she told Alex not to come because Cease doesn’t deserve to talk to Alex.
When Donna tells Cease that Alex can’t tattoo anymore because of Cease and Teddy, Cease isn’t buying this.
After the conversation goes nowhere, Cease tells Donna that she and Alex better not ever come back around the shop. If they do, he’ll give Alex a “real f*cking injury.”
What are your thoughts on the episode?
Is it unfair for Tatti to blame Krystal for the demise of her relationship
when she has no PROOF that Teddy was creeping with her? #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/YWNXUdcYf5
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
Teddy trying to make sure that Tatti STAYS pressed over him…?️?️?️
He’s only causing more issues for Krystal though…#BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/TNNjmsWm5a
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
Ceaser GETS SERVED!!!!! Never underestimate the power of PAPER ???#BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/gYCuFOjEOr
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
After having a BLOW UP with Des about his father, Sky puts her pride aside and apologizes for her mistakes in parenting… #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/qQkrysKaq6
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
… How mad would you be if your friend gambled all your money away ???…. #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/w5cjMuYmL6
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
Krystal is ALL THE WAY in her feelings about being accused of being one of Teddy’s… “groupies”… #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/rq1b0t2QbF
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
Momma Bae is FULL of surprises, let me found out she’s an international poker champ…#BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/tgY15TAZ5q
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
Donna is going to MAKE SURE that Ceaser has burned his LAST bridge! #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/KSw9lWHA1M
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
Rate Donna’s tattoo! Is she improving little by little? #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/FjSzys0Wdc
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019
Walt is making his way out of the projects, how many of you can say you have done the same? ??? #BlackInkCrew pic.twitter.com/epmk5Kyz13
— Black Ink Crew (@BlackInkCrew) April 4, 2019