Kandi vents to Andy backstage.
She says she never told Cynthia that Kenya was coming to her event. Kandi doesn’t like how the audio from her conversation with Cynthia was shown on the last episode.
She insists they did nothing underhanded.
NeNe is on the phone with Marlo.
She insists she was betrayed by Cynthia and she is plotting to bring Kenya back on the show.
As far as her issues with Kenya, NeNe is feeling like Cynthia may have been stirring the pot the whole time.
All the ladies make their way to the stage.
The theme is “Return to Tokyo.”
Andy makes some small talk and Porsha says NeNe didn’t make it to her baby shower.
She didn’t send a gift either while away in Canada.
While she says she does plan to give Porsha a gift, she’s irritated because she thinks Porsha doesn’t really believe she was in Canada on the day of the shower.
“I was honestly in Canada .There would be no need for me to lie.” – NeNe
Porsha reflects on her blossoming relationship with Dennis.
She feels like God answered her prayers.
The engagement ring is 13 carats.
When it comes to the imperfections in the relationship, Porsha feels like Dennis’ mom needs to become less opinionated about their relationship.
NeNe and Porsha’s friendship is discussed.
Andy asks NeNe why she didn’t attend the gender reveal party.
Porsha says that NeNe doesn’t come to any of her events. And she thinks it’s messed up because she comes to all of NeNe’s events.
But NeNe says this isn’t true and that Porsha is the one who doesn’t show up to other people’s events.
And she also feels like she can only give what she gets.
When Porsha says that NeNe not showing up to the gender reveal party hurt her feelings, NeNe says “too bad.”
“I could care less.” – NeNe
Eva’s shade throwing is brought up.
NeNe tells Eva that she didn’t appreciate that Eva said in her green screen that not everything is all about NeNe.
Eva then asks if that’s why she’s in such a bad mood.
NeNe denies being in a bad mood and Eva says their issues started when NeNe wasn’t good with Tanya at her bachelorette party in Tokyo.
But NeNe says Eva didn’t have a problem until now, so she completely dismisses her.
Cynthia then says she didn’t like how Eva kept shading her age behind her back.
Yovanna is discussed and Eva still says she didn’t know her before the show.
Porsha says she did hear that Yovanna was very popular in college.
The shady comment about Shamea is discussed.
Eva denies that it was a colorist remark. She has no issues with dark-skinned people.
Kandi says she still feels the comment was rooted in colorism.
And she doesn’t think Eva hates dark-skinned people. She figured they could move on from it.
Regardless, Kandi says she received it that way and they can agree that it was a misunderstanding.
Kandi gives an update on her surrogate situation.
She’s doing the transfer in a week.
Andy says that his experience was great.
They both talk about the phone conversation they had in which Andy checked her for saying she’s going to have a baby momma. He sternly told her that she would be the baby’s mother and not to take away from herself.
Cynthia’s relationship with Mike is up for discussion.
Andy asks NeNe who she was tweeting about when she said a close friend was setting her up for the kill.
She denies that it was about Cynthia.
NeNe also says Cynthia should have known it wasn’t about her because it said close friend and they aren’t close friends.
Cynthia is shocked by this and asks when they stopped being close friends.
After this, NeNe never confirms who the tweet was about.
After Porsha sighs out of annoyance, NeNe says she “looks big over there.”
“Blimps.” – NeNe
Porsha then asks NeNe why she said Cynthia hashtagging #chiill on her Ig posts with Mike was overkill.
NeNe says she just has an opinion and it was overkill to her.
Cynthia says she doesn’t understand why NeNe would be negative since they are friends.
And NeNe once again makes it clear she’s not convinced they are not really friends.
What are your thoughts on the episode?