‘Queen Sugar’ Recap: Aunt Vi’s Diner Gets Vandalized + Nova Reunites With Calvin

Nova learns her mom’s cousin is alive.

The episode begins with Nova still on her book tour. She’s doing an interview and Nova’s shown a photo of her mom’s cousin Martha Labossiere.

The host says Martha is still alive and that she was close to Nova’s mom growing up. Almost like sisters.

Nova’s happy to learn of this revelation.

Meanwhile, Charley’s learning that the City Council isn’t going to assist her unless she can find out the real reason why the highway was taken from St. Thomas parish.

Meanwhile, Benny gets placed into a cop car, as a sheriff claims he had bags of drugs in his car. Ralph Angel believes this is a setup and claims he has cameras all over his farm. The officer asks him if he’s sure the cameras were working.

Nova interestingly runs into her cop ex Calvin while on her book tour and invites him to lunch.

Aunt Vi’s diner is vandalized.

Hollywood is checking on his mom Willa Mae and Aunt Vi’s handling items at the diner. She wishes he was there to handle things. When she leaves, someone, likely associated with the Landry family vandalizes the restaurant.

The next morning, Aunt Vi’s devastated to witness the damage.

Darla’s at work when she notices someone reading Nova’s book. As a result, none of her co-workers seem to be interested in talking to her. She calls Ralph Angel but has to leave a voicemail.

Nova meanwhile, meets up with her ex Calvin for lunch. He left his job with the police force and works in Baton Rouge now.

Charley and Micah show up to help out Aunt Vi. Hollywood still doesn’t know about the damage. Charley promises they’ll get to the bottom of everything.

Cornell and Prosper show up and assist with the cleanup.

Interestingly enough, Ralph Angel and Joie’s mom are with Benny as they bail him out. Ralph Angel isn’t giving up on Benny and Benny’s thankful.

Charley learns who vandalized the diner.

Back at the diner, Charlie notes Aunt Vi’s strength. Aunt Vi still hasn’t talked to Hollywood and tells Charley how she’s grown distant from Hollywood because of Jimmy Dale returning, sparking her PTSD. At this time, Ralph Angel finally shows up.

Charley’s investigator pulls her aside to show evidence of someone Charley knows; Hank Miller. Hank is an associate of Jacob Boudreaux.

Ralph Angel sees who caused the damage; Ignacio’s son. Ignacio is one of his employees who’s currently being detained by ICE.

Calvin and Nova’s date is going well and Nova reveals how everyone in her family, except for Micah, isn’t talking to her.

“I feel like I may have lost my family.” – Nova

Calvin disagrees with this notion strongly. They then talk about one another and how they still have feelings for each other. They get to know one another again as they play pool.

Benny’s false arrest threatens Ralph Angel’s re-entry program.

More bad news heads Ralph Angel’s way when Joie’s mom tells him the authorities are looking to end his re-entry program and take his grant money away. But, she’s going to help him and Benny prove this was a set up. Before she leaves, they share a kiss.

Charley heads to see Ignacio’s mom and Pastor Martinez to talk about Joaquin damaging the diner. Joaquin reveals someone paid him $500 to throw the brink through her office window and damaging the diner. She shows them a photo of Hank and they show that it’s him. Pastor Martinez reveals that Hank works with a fracking company.

She then goes to see Jacob and he’s nervous. She calmly apologizes and wonders what’s going on. Jacob confirms that Hank works with the energy company and that gas deposits were discovered in the county. The highway is a way for the company to get its equipment and gas in and out of the county.

Later that night, Darla meets with her friend about everything. He supports her and tells Darla that she can’t go back and face her past. The conversation seemingly doesn’t go well and it ends abruptly.

Charley brings Joaquin by Aunt Vi’s to apologize and explain why he damaged her diner. Joaquin tells Aunt Vi he only did it to protect his mother. Aunt Vi tells him he must come by the diner three nights a week and the weekends to work off his debt. But fortunately, he wasn’t alone. St Joe came together to help Aunt Vi clean up, which brings her to tears.

At the end of their date, Nova professes her feelings for Calvin and apologizes for them not working out. Calvin then apologizes for things as well. They then hug and promise to keep in touch.

Charley stands strong but her sugar mill burns.

The next day, Charley leads a protest against the Landry family and Hank’s gas company’s plans for their highway and gas driving. The City Council joins Charley, Romero and the St Joe’s citizens in the protest, signaling support for Charley.

As Nova prepares to leave, Calvin stops by her hotel room. He wants to start over with Nova and Nova says she’s scared of them being together and open in the world. But Nova’s open to the possibility to learn the new versions of one another if he’s willing and open to do the same.

Calvin and Nova sharing a passionate kiss.

At home, Micah shows Charley the photos taken at the protest and suggests to use some of them during her campaign. Charley tells him the protest wasn’t for her campaign. Just then she receives a call on her landline from Prosper with bad news; the sugar mill was set ablaze.

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