Marsau learns the source of tension between him and the Holts.
Melody’s in the office when Marsau stops in looking for Martell. Despite Martell not being in, Marsau looks to clear the air with the Holts. Melody, on the other hand, isn’t looking to mend fences with LaTisha as she has plenty of bones to pick with her and Marsau. She wishes Marsau did more to keep Martell in line.
During the conversation, Melody tells Marsau about Martell’s mistress calling earlier. Marsau comes to the conclusion that he needs to help the Holts with their marriage if he ever hopes to take the heat off of his marriage.
Kimmi’s son Jaylin comes home for the summer from college. He’s turning 21 soon and Kimmi wants to throw a party for him but Jaylin wants to have fun with Maurice and his frat brother Marsau. Kimmi also tells him about Maurice’s plan to move Kiuwaa and it’s a no-go for Jaylin.
Melody’s about 3 months pregnant and she’s with Martell at the doctor’s office for a checkup and ultrasound. The ultrasound goes well and Martell’s excited. Meanwhile, Melody’s not really showing much emotion. She’s focused on having a stress-free pregnancy and just doesn’t know if that means she should stay or leave the marriage. She disagrees with Martell about this pregnancy bringing them closer.
Marsau and Wanda clash.
Wanda’s still with LaTisha and Marsau and LaTisha’s rather thankful she’s been around. During a conversation LaTisha has with Wanda, she opens up about being picked on for her speech. She’s surprised when Wanda revealed she had a speech therapist in school. LaTisha also struggled while growing up. Marsau comes in grumpy as his nap was interrupted. This turns to an argument after he asks Wanda why she’s here.
Melody’s visited by her mom and she’s nervous about telling her that she’s pregnant. But she swallows the fear to let her know. The news makes her mom happy. But that happiness is tempered when Melody expresses her feelings of disappointment behind it. Her mom tells her how her pregnancy with Melody was not easy. In fact, she almost had an abortion, saying she made the best decision in her life-giving birth to Melody.
The meeting with Kiuwa was tense.
Maurice and Kimmi are meeting with Kiuwa and Maurice’s nervous. Kimmi doesn’t intend to hold anything back. When Kiuwa arrives, the tension gets thick. Kimmi brings up a message she received from Kiuwa where Kiuwa told her not to talk to her son. Kiuwa brings up how she felt a line was crossed as she believes she wasn’t divorced from Maurice when he started dating Kimmi. But Kimmi says this wasn’t the case.
Later in the conversation, It comes up Kiuwa texted Maurice calling Kimmi a “skank” for wearing a bikini. Kiuwa feels it was inappropriate. Finally, their son Maurice Jr. comes up and Kimmi opens up, feeling that Maurice doesn’t help her enough around the house.
Despite this tension, Kiuwa’s open to moving to Huntsville. It’s nighttime in Huntsville and Marsau and Maurice are throwing a party for Jaylin. Martell shows up despite being in the doghouse. Cedarric shows up and they all ask about Maurice’s meeting with Kimmi and Kiuwa. Lastly, things turn back to Martell as Marsau sees him talking to other women. However, Martell sticks to the curfew given by Melody and Marsau heads outside to check on him before he leaves. He reveals to Martell he learned from Melody about his mistress calling. Martell didn’t appreciate Marsau learning this.
Martell tells Marsau he’s going to do everything he needs to save his marriage. But he still hasn’t changed his number.
What are your thoughts on the episode?