Ghost’s political ambitions infuriate Paz.
Paz has a nightmare. In the nightmare, she shows up to the hospital after Angela is shot but no one is there but Ghost. He approaches her with Angela’s blood on him and tells her she was too late. And Paz couldn’t stop him from killing Angela.
Paz gets angry and calls him a murderer before waking up.
As she awakens, she hears her father also having a nightmare. She goes to check on him and he calls her Angela. Paz reminds him that she’s not Angela.
They go to the living room and turn on the news. Ghost’s political moves are being discussed and Paz is infuriated.
Warner gets information from Mak.
Later, Paz’s son questions why she just won’t tell her father that Angela died. She says he doesn’t need to know. Her son reminds her that he needs money for school and Paz says she has some things to take care of.
Meanwhile, Warner and Mak catch up. Warner wants Mak to tell him all the crooked things Saxe was up to. After Mak refuses to help, Warner says Mak really doesn’t have a choice because him accepting Angela’s offer to transfer makes him complicit in Teresi’s death.
So Mak tells Warner that Saxe wanted to use Teresi’s unofficial testimony before he was killed.
Warner says that everyone Saxe turned to a witness ended up dying.
Tasha warns Paz.
Paz goes to see Tasha. Although both of them aren’t fans of Ghost, Tasha doesn’t feel like there’s anything they can do to stop Ghost. After Paz tells Tasha that Ghost took everything away from Tasha, Tasha says that she can’t take Ghost down because it would hurt their kids.
Paz blames Ghost for Raina’s death and this angers Tasha. At this point, Tasha tells Paz that Ghost didn’t kill Raina or Angela. And Ghost always wins.
Furious, Paz says she will take Ghost down herself. She goes back to her place to retrieve her gun before heading back out.
She watches Ghost from a distance in her car. As she gets out to follow him, she gets freaked out by an approaching ambulance.
Warner agrees to Paz’s plan.
Paz tries to talk to Saxe but is told by Warner that Saxe was fired. He apologizes to her for Saxe botching the investigation. So she goes to Saxe’s place and Saxe tells her the evidence cleared Ghost of Angela’s murder.
So they can’t have Ghost arrested. Paz says she was the one who pushed Angela to leave the projects to go to Choate after she said he didn’t want to leave Ghost behind.
Saxe says Angela was going to be charged with conspiracy because she was Ghost’s in house counsel for his drug business. She was also an accomplice to the murders of Sandoval and Teresi. Paz doesn’t believe any of this. But Saxe says Ghost is innocent in Angela’s murder and Angela was crooked.
When Paz goes back home, she tells her son what Saxe said. Her son is furious and he says their lives are a mess thanks to Angela’s actions.
Paz goes back to talk to Warner. She says she has some evidence that connects Angela to Ghost’s drug business. He tells her that Angela’s pension, honors, and reputation will be gone if she moves forward with this. So she and the rest of Angela’s family won’t have any money to receive. But Paz is okay with this.
Angela’s phone is retrieved.
They go to the graveyard and Angela’s coffin is dug up. They find Angela’s phone. But the sim card is no good. However, the outgoing messages were able to be recovered. Since they can’t prove that Angela was contacting Ghost, the phone didn’t help any.
Paz is devastated and says that she can be wired up and get Ghost to admit everything he did. Warner reluctantly agrees to this. He tells her all he needs is for Ghost to confirm his drug business. And she doesn’t need to ask him who killed Angela.
Ghost gives up nothing.
She goes to Truth to talk to Ghost. She tells him she knows the autopsy shows he didn’t kill Angela. But he could have hired someone to kill Angela but she doesn’t think he did that either. Paz apologizes for blaming him for Angela’s death.
After Ghost says that Angela saved his family and kept him out of jail, Warner hopes this will lead to a confession about Ghost’s drug business. But he doesn’t get into the specifics. Paz then asks Ghost who killed Angela and he says he doesn’t know.
Warner is furious and Paz storms off upset as Ghost tries to persuade her not to leave.
When Paz goes back to Warner, he says they may still be able to get Ghost for Silver’s murder. But Angela’s pension will be taken away because Ghost saying she kept him out of prison is confirmation that she was dirty.
Blanca delivers bad news.
Paz meets her son in the hospital after her father had an anxiety attack. Her son admits he told his grandfather that Angela died. Paz goes off and then tells him that Angela’s pension is gone.
Fed up with Ghost, her son says he can get someone to take care of Ghost. Paz says this isn’t the way to handle things and the feds are already on Ghost for another crime.
Blanca finds Paz and tells her that they can’t get Ghost on anything and it’s over.
Paz begins to unravel.
So Paz goes back to Tasha’s place and tells her about how she and the feds failed to nail Ghost. Tasha is sympathetic and she says Angela died protecting her and Tariq. So Tasha tells Paz Ghost has moved on to a romance with Ramona and it’s a blessing that Angela didn’t have kids with Ghost so Paz can walk away from everything.
Paz finds Tommy and asks him to kill Ghost for her because he killed Angela. Tommy says he can’t do that and she came to the wrong place. She tries to give him money and Tommy tells her she needs to leave.
He tells her that Angela was dirty and everyone is dirty for the people they love. He pushes her out of his apartment.
Warner isn’t giving up.
Later, Blanca tells Warner that Dre will testify that Ghost killed Silver and he saw him do it. Warner tells her this is BS and she’s turning into Saxe. After he dismisses Blanca from his office, a man from the Democratic party tells Warner to back off of Ghost because he’s now too important to be touched.
But Warner doesn’t do this and tells the judge about Dre and what Ghost told Paz. The judge wants to move forward on this.
Revenge is all Paz wants.
Paz wakes up to find that her gun is missing out of her purse. Her son is gone as well. She calls him and it goes straight to voicemail. She jumps in her car and finds her son walking to Truth. She takes the gun back and says he can’t do this. He hands the gun back over to Paz before going back home.
Paz takes the gun and makes her way to Truth.
When she gets there, she goes to the bathroom and paces back and forth. After she walks out of the bathroom, she sees Ramona. Ramona says Ghost has changed and he’s not who he used to be. Paz says Angela thought this too and this is why she’s dead. So Ghost needs to be stopped.
Ramona says some people are “unstoppable.” Paz scoffs and walks away.
Paz gets closer to Ghost as he’s talking to other people at the party, but decides not to go through with shooting him. She then leaves the club.
Ghost loses.
Paz goes back to the hospital to see her dad. He finally recognizes her and tells her she was named because she is peace. And she must always try to be peaceful. This brings Paz to tears.
The next day, she watches the news and finds out Ghost was shot to death inside Truth.
As Warner is sitting in his office, he learns the Democratic Party had him fired so the truth about Ghost never gets out. Paz tries to see Warner but Blanca talks to her instead. And Paz has Angela buried, again. Saxe helped her.
Tasha tells Paz the truth.
Paz is contacted by Ghost’s estate attorney who tells her Ghost added her to his will and left her money. But she doesn’t want it. Tasha sees her there and tells her to take the money. Paz refuses and asks Tasha if she killed Ghost. Tasha doesn’t answer. But she once again urges Paz to take the money.
Before Paz walks away, Tasha tells her Tommy killed Angela. Stunned by this news, Paz tells her son she is taking the money and she later heads back to Tommy’s place to shoot him.
When she gets there, the door is unlocked and his apartment completely empty. Paz screams Tommy’s name before the episode ends.
What are your thoughts on the episode?