Eva waits, Cynthia clashes with Mike.
Eva has been put on modified bed rest so she doesn’t go into premature labor. She’s miserable and hates that she can’t move around like she wants to.
Meanwhile, Cynthia is reading Mike’s drafts from his upcoming book. When Mike comes around, she tells him about what she’s read so far. Cynthia wants to make sure that he understands people will have a lot to say about his past infidelities. He’s fine with the criticism that could come. When it comes to being faithful now, Mike says if he cheats on Cynthia, it’s all on him. In a green screen interview, Cynthia says she would be devastated if Mike cheated on her.
They have a bit of an argument after Cynthia insists that she would never cheat. Mike says she has no idea what she could so and she’s not perfect. Cynthia says that this is why they need counseling and she imitates Mike walking off during an argument. He says that he does this because he doesn’t like to argue.
When Cynthia returns, Mike says that he doesn’t want Cynthia to judge him for his past. And if she isn’t happy, she shouldn’t be with him. He also wants her to understand that he’s trying. So both agree that they should get counseling.
Gregg has a good relationship with Marc.
NeNe recaps her leopard event to Gregg. She tells Gregg that Porsha actually came and stayed. Meanwhile, Kenya came for seven minutes then left. She feels like this wouldn’t be tolerated if she did this to Kenya. Gregg says that he’s been texting back and forth with Marc about Marc’s upcoming charity event.
While Marc invited both Gregg and NeNe, Kenya went on social media and tagged all the couples to the event except NeNe. She tagged Gregg though. NeNe feels like this was messy.
Greece is in the near future.
Kenya has a kickball event. Eva comes with her friend Barbie so she can play in Eva’s place. Of course, NeNe is nowhere in attendance. Porsha, Cynthia, Shamea, Kandi, Marlo, and Kenya’s cousin are also there.
After they wrap up the game, Kenya and Kandi announce that they are all going to Athens, Greece. Since Kandi is cohosting, NeNe will be invited. Of course, Kenya is not thrilled about this.
Cynthia and Mike take the necessary steps.
Mike is back in LA. He FaceTimes Cynthia and she tells him that she misses him already. And that’s why she doesn’t like when they argue. Regardless, Cynthia says communication is important. They should be able to talk about the things that bother them.
Fortunately, Mike found a counselor that they can go to in Atlanta.
Marc irritates Kenya.
Kenya and Marc take Brooklyn to her first swimming class. Brooklyn enjoys her very brief time under the water. In a green screen interview, Kenya says that they need to decide where they want to live full-time.
They then discuss the upcoming couple’s bowling event. Kenya doesn’t want NeNe there, and she says Gregg could come by himself. But since Marc wants Gregg at his charity event, Marc says that they should have NeNe there. He feels the whole situation between NeNe and Kenya is silly. And he tells her that NeNe getting in her face in Canada doesn’t mean she wanted to fight.
In a green screen interview, Kenya says Marc should always be on her team. His feelings about NeNe bother her.
Porsha calls Kenya out.
It’s the day of the couple’s bowling event. Things get awkward after Marc says that he wanted everyone to be invited. Porsha, Eva, Kandi, and Cynthia discuss how submissive Kenya is with Marc. They see that he shuts her down often.
When Kenya comes around, Porsha brings up Kenya and Tanya’s fallout. She doesn’t like that Kenya called Tanya a c*nt. Kenya tells Porsha that it’s not her fight and Porsha tells Kenya to put her finger down.
Marc puts his foot down.
After they wrap up bowling, Marc asks Dennis to speak at the charity event. Dennis accepts. After Kenya makes her annoyance with NeNe known again, Marc calls her out and tells her to let it go. The event is too important to not invite NeNe. The others notice that Marc is running things.
Not too long after, NeNe and Gregg arrive. NeNe is in a great mood and speaks to everybody. This includes Kenya, much to her annoyance.
Gregg and NeNe talk to Marc. And Gregg makes it clear that he can’t attend the charity event if NeNe isn’t invited. So Marc tells both that they are invited and Kenya agrees with this. Kenya reluctantly agrees. In a green screen interview, NeNe says that Kenya acts very differently when Marc is around. The other women share the same sentiments and think this is hilarious.
What are your thoughts on the episode?