‘Friends & Family Hustle’ Recap: TI & Deyjah Continue to Have Tension + TI Realizes He’s Wrong

Photo Credit: VH1

Deyjah still isn’t ready to talk to TI.

It’s the last day in Mexico, and Deyjah is still very upset about TI’s comments. Her grandmother Latrice comes by to check on her to see how she’s doing.

Deyjah says she wishes TI wouldn’t have said what he said for other people to hear. But since TI doesn’t think he did anything wrong, Latrice says that she should have a one on one conversation with TI to tell him how she feels. But Deyjah doesn’t know if she’s ready to do that. And she feels as if he’s the one who should initiate the conversation.

Reginae and Toya don’t understand TI’s actions.

Later on, Reginae and Toya discuss the situation. Reginae thinks it’s weird. She would feel embarrassed if Lil Wayne did her the same way. It’s not anyone else’s business what she does with her body.

Toya questions why TI would do what he did. And she never did this with Reginae. She thinks TI should try to make sure he’s on the same page as Deyjah before he tells the world private things about her.

In a green screen interview, Reginae says that she didn’t tell Toya about her first time. Her parents just kind of found out. But she doesn’t know if all parents could even handle their child being honest about it.

Tiny wants opinions.

While Tiny and the other women are getting massages, they discuss TI and Deyjah’s situation. Tiny says that a situation happened that actually led to TI taking Deyjah to the gynecologist. And Tiny says that Deyjah should have spoken up and told TI she didn’t want him to do this. Regardless, Toya says that this isn’t something that she would want her father to do, and a broken hymen doesn’t even mean that someone isn’t a virgin. So there’s no real virginity test.

Tiny really believes the major issue is TI telling the world about the situation. But Deyjah would have looked crazy if she ended up pregnant.

And she understands that TI probably shouldn’t have said anything publicly at all. Regardless, Toya says a conversation needs to be had to make sure Deyjah is okay.

TI and Deyjah have tension.

The gang gets together for dinner. TI and Deyjah still aren’t really speaking. Deyjah still feels that TI is the one who should start up the conversation. So dinner is a bit awkward for everyone. Zonnique tries to smooth things over by asking King about his latest crush. But everyone can still feel the tension.

King laughs about his dealings with girls and later on, Deyjah and the others playfully sing about wanting to get drunk.

TI calls Deyjah over and tells her to engage in 18-year-old engagements, not 21-year-old engagements. This upsets Deyjah and she’s ready to go home at this point.

TI hears his nieces out.

After everyone returns from Mexico, TI’s nieces bring up their conversation with Deyjah. TI says he was just joking and they are past what happened. But his nieces say that Deyjah is truly hurt and TI needs to talk to her.

TI says he didn’t intend to embarrass Deyjah. He didn’t bring it up in Mexico because he was just trying to give her space. Regardless, his nieces want him to make things right because they don’t want his relationship with Deyjah to suffer. So he agrees to speak to her.

Tiny isn’t impressed.

King rehearses for his Chattanooga show. Tiny is not feeling what she’s seeing and she thinks King needs to be more energetic. But King thinks she needs to relax and let him do his thing the way he wants to.

Toya is disappointed.

While at home, Red takes Toya downstairs for a surprise romantic meal. They talk about marriage and Red starts to feel like Toya is fishing for a proposal. So he plays it off and tells Toya he made the dinner to let her know he’s proud of her for seeing it through with her new book. Of course, Toya is disappointed.

In a green screen interview, Red says when he proposes, it will be grander than a romantic dinner at home.

Deyjah still isn’t speaking to TI.

Tiny and TI talk about the situation with Deyjah. TI has tried calling Deyjah, but she won’t answer the phone. He calls again in Tiny’s presence and she still doesn’t pick up.

Tiny is starting to realize that this has become bigger than she expected.

While LeToya and Toya hang out, they discuss the Deyjah situation. In a green screen interview, Tommi says he doubts he would ever take his daughters to their gynecologist appointment to see if they are virgins. But he would want them to wait until marriage to have sex. When LeToya asks if he is going to keep that same energy for his sons, Tommi says yes in an unconvincing manner.

King loses the bet.

It’s the night of King’s show in Chattanooga. Friends and family are there to support, and Tiny is happy to see that King is more energetic than he was at rehearsal. TI is also impressed but says what matters the most is if King sold 300 tickets. That was the rule of their bet.

TI ends up winning the bet as only 193 tickets were sold. Regardless, TI is still proud of King because he can see the potential.

TI realizes he’s wrong.

TI invites Deyjah’s mom Ranniqua to record a podcast so she can speak up on Deyjah’s behalf. Deyjah is happy for this because she knows her mom isn’t afraid of anyone.

Ranniqua says that Deyjah is very private and TI put her in the line of fire.

TI says what he said was just a joke and it’s not actually an annual thing.

Ranniqua says TI should get some slack though because Deyjah is his first daughter and he never grew up with sisters in the house. Regardless, TI needs to understand that the hymen can be broken by many things, so it’s not an indicator of virginity. And he should just ask Deyjah if she’s a virgin and believe what she says.

TI had no idea that the hymen is not an indicator of virginity.

And TI can’t deny that he wouldn’t do the same thing to sons. So he’s starting to realize what he said was wrong. It’s a teachable moment for him. So he apologizes as he now sees Deyjah is now a young lady.

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