Mariah Huq had a tough season of “Married to Medicine.” After Quad Webb accused her of using drugs, last season she felt the need to try to clear her name. She did so by taking multiple drug tests. However, Quad questioned the authenticity of the tests taken. And Dr. Heavenly Kimes said she believed the accusations, but later revealed she only spoke out of anger on Twitter. Regardless, Mariah was only on good terms with Toya Bush-Harris, Buffie Purselle, and Dr. Simone Whitmore.
All three slammed the drug accusations about Mariah.
Simone even said that the test results were legit. Dr. Eugene Harris said the same.
There were also multiple times that Toya had Mariah’s back during the drama. In fact, she had a heated moment with Heavenly while the ladies were in Savannah. And for a second, it seemed as if the two women would come to blows. However, cooler heads prevailed and the moment ended just as quickly as it intensified.
Interestingly enough, some fans of the show are confused about where things currently stand between Mariah and Toya. This confusion comes after Mariah revealed she did not receive her contract for the upcoming season.
So it’s no surprise that things got even more confusing for the fans of the show after an interesting exchange between Mariah and Toya took place recently. Mariah has been vocal about feeling like she’s mistreated as a black woman who created a successful show. And she has also stated that she feels like the other women don’t have her back on this. Well, some people are starting to think Toya doesn’t see things that way.
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