During Part 2 of “The Conversation: A1 & Lyrica,” A1 Bentley and Lyrica Anderson’s mothers join in and it leads to chaos.
Lyrica G and Pam Bentley go back and forth about their issues and nothing seemingly gets resolved. Pam’s issues pertain to how she believes Lyrica and her mom badger A1 about his transgressions. She also feels Lyrica’s to blame for why A1 doesn’t talk to his brother.
Lyrica G, on the other hand, is only involved in A1 and Lyrica’s marriage because they bring her into it. She also doesn’t like how Pam talks to her.
Things come to a head when Lyrica G and Pam almost come to blows. Pam almost throws a rock at Lyrica when Lyrica calls her out for nearly coming to blows with Lyrica G.
Here’s the recap for, “The Conversation: A1 & Lyrica | Part 2.”
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