‘Queen Sugar’ Recap: Hollywood Receives Bad News + Ralph Angel Gets Inspired

Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 4
Photo Credit: OWN

Darla’s frazzled about being home without work.

The episode begins with Darla and Ralph Angel around their home doing chores and Ralph Angel is impressed with what she’s doing with the furniture. Before Ralph Angel leaves, Darla and Blue advise him to leave his work clothes outside as to avoid bringing Covid-19 into the house. Blue also lectures his parents about their body temperatures, which impresses them both.

Meanwhile, Calvin cooked a large breakfast for him and Nova. Nova suspects Calvin is up to something, which he is. Calvin asks if his daughter Courtney can quarantine with them as her college is changing. Nova’s nervous about this but Calvin emphasizes she is nothing like his ex-wife. Despite her feelings, Calvin gets the okay from Nova. He’s hopeful this time with Courtney could increase their bond.

Speaking of increasing their bond, Charley’s prepping meals for her and Micah. Micah offers to help and she gleefully accepts the offer. They reminisce about how Micah would jump to help her in the kitchen when he was younger. As Charley asks about Micah’s new love interest, she calls.

Hollywood’s mom is in the hospital.

In Baton Rouge, Hollywood hasn’t been able to see his mother as she fell ill due to Covid. She’s in the hospital and due to Covid, he can’t visit her in the hospital. Aunt Vi insists she travels up to Baton Rouge to be by Hollywood’s side during their phone call. However, Hollywood lets her know that she doesn’t have to and they pray for his mom’s health to improve.

Courtney is on the way to Nova’s and Nova and Calvin are nervous. When Courtney arrives, Calvin greets Courtney at the door, calling her Snuggles. Courtney brings up a contract she made Calvin sign to never call her that in public. Courtney then tells Nova it’s an honor to meet her.

Aunt Vi gets a call from Prosper, returning her call. She left a care package a few days prior. He hasn’t left his home for a while and Aunt Vi insists he should get some fresh air. She then asks Prosper to come by her home and he agrees.

Back at Charley’s, Micah comes back downstairs after his call with his “SZA look-alike.” During their time together, Charley tells Micah how it was to be pregnant with him while in college. Back then, she was shamed by others on campus for the pregnancy. However, her father embraced her, telling Charley he was proud of her no matter what. He also didn’t lecture her. That moment drove her to succeed as a student and everything else she did.

Ralph Angel meets a man named Reggie.

Meanwhile, Ralph Angel’s on his job waxing floors when he comes across a resident named Reggie exercising. He’s been there with his wife who’s suffering from Dementia. They’ve been married for 57 years.

Ralph Angel made it home and Darla is freaking out about Blue and being home as she’s painting cabinets. She’s frustrated as she can’t keep Blue occupied as he speeds through assignments. She then says she misses working. Ralph Angel consoles her.

At night, as Calvin and Nova spend time with Courtney, things get tense when Calvin calls Courtney aggressive during their card game. Nova’s impressed with how she handled herself explaining the fallacies behind that statement and how it makes women feel.

Meanwhile, as Prosper settles in at Aunt Vi’s, Hollywood calls her with tragic news. It doesn’t seem Hollywood’s mom would make it and doctors want to take her off the ventilator. Aunt Vi tells him his mom is proud of him and no matter what happens, Willa Mae will always be around.

Charley goes off on Micah.

Micah and Charley are still hanging out, digging through paperwork. Charley asks Micah if he’s hungry and he says he isn’t. When he steps away and as Charley continues to go through paperwork, Charley picks up Micah’s phone as it rings and hears a voice message from Amber, Micah’s new love interest. She’s at a party and wants him to come out. 

Charley gets angry and confronts Micah about it when he returns. She demands to know who Amber is and grills him about the message. She chastises Micah about going out to a party and putting their health at risk for a “rebound girl.” When she then questions Micah about if he’s practicing safe sex and if she’s a white girl, Micah remains mum. He then leaves in anger when Charley says, “like father like son.”

Charlotte and Nova continue to chat and Charlotte is ready to move forward of sorts. She’s noticed how her dad Calvin is now at ease and it’s the first time he seems happy. She also understands why he is and thanks Nova for having her.

Willa Mae’s death unravels Prosper.

Prosper, meanwhile, is enjoying his time with Aunt Vi, saying she’s spoiling him. However, the mood changes when Aunt Vi tells Prosper Willa Mae passed from Covid-19. Prosper says his age group is being picked off one by one. In fact, it’s the 5th person he knows at his age to die from the virus in two months. This then brings him to tears as Aunt Vi takes his hand.

Ralph Angel handles Reggie’s trash and notices he’s rather somber. He asks Reggie what’s going on and he vents about it being his birthday but his wife can’t visit him. She’s living in a wing for those that are living with Dementia. She can’t visit because someone tested positive for Covid-19. To cheer Reggie up, Ralph Angel says they can celebrate which lifts Reggie’s spirit.

The next morning, Charley and Micah talk after their confrontation. She tells Micah about the first time she and Davis fought. Charley says she felt alone and Davis wasn’t pulling his weight as a father. Their fight was explosive and she kicked him out of the apartment. It took them two semesters for them to get back together. She uses the moment to apologize to Micah for how she reacted and Micah accepts the apology.

Calvin’s fresh out of the shower and Courtney’s out of the house. Calvin thanks Nova for hosting Courtney. Nova does emphasize things won’t be easy for them to be together. She brings up his ex-wife and the overall environment with Trump supporters.

Charley and Micah are still focused on preparing a defense against Landrys and Parker’s corporate interests. Micah’s phone rings but he ignores it to continue helping his mom.

Hollywood cries and Ralph Angel’s ready to get married.

Lastly, Ralph Angel stops by Reggie’s room for a surprise. He manages to get Reggie to look out his window. When he looks, he sees his wife Zora. They tell each other they love each other and they miss each other. Later on, Ralph Angel and Hollywood make it to their homes that night. Hollywood heads to a cabinet, reaching for a photo book, reading aloud a postcard he sent his mom. Ralph then stands in his kitchen asking his pops if he’s proud of him.

As Hollywood then cries, Ralph Angel cries in Darla’s arms, asking if he’s her soulmate. He then asks Darla if they can get married as soon as possible. Of course, Darla happily agrees and suggests they get married in the morning.

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