‘Married to Medicine’ Recap: Quad & Lisa Clash + Heavenly is Accused of Pot Stirring

married to medicine season 8 episode 11
Photo Credit: Bravo

Toya is feeling the tension.

Toya is happy that her sons are back in school. Homeschooling was very stressful. So it feels good to have normalcy back in her life. But now she’ll have to face the conflicts she’s having in the group.

Simone has a conversation with her son Miles. He’s willing to move out and get his own place. But he pulls back on this when Simone tells him that he will have to pay for his own apartment. In a green screen interview, Simone tells Cecil that Miles probably won’t move out until he gets married.

Lisa and Quad move forward.

Anila goes by Lisa Nicole’s boutique. She’s going to blog about Lisa’s clothes, and she’s hoping to make enough money before her husband finds out how much money she’s been spending.

Quad calls Anila and invites her to a get-together at her place. After a brief conversation with Lisa, they agree to let their past issues go. So Quad invites her to the get-together as well.

Contessa tells Scott she wants to talk about their marriage issues. She believes therapy can help them but Scott still doesn’t want to take those steps. And this frustrates Contessa.

Simone gives Jackie an update.

While Simone visits Jackie, they talk about Toya. Jackie thinks she’s been very angry as of late. And Simone says the issue is that Toya feels like Heavenly and Quad have been dogging out her finances even though she moved into a new beautiful home. And they should be happy for her.

As for Toya, she’s hoping she can make a turnaround with the others.

Things get heated between Toya and Quad.

On the day of Quad’s get-together, Toya arrives with Keri. There’s a brief moment when Keri and Quad exchange some shade. And Quad makes it known that Keri showed up uninvited. However, Keri’s defense is she came to support Toya. And Toya hasn’t been feeling much love from the group.

Heavenly brings up Toya calling Quad’s place a “bullsh*t a*s apartment” on Instagram Live. This leads to a screaming match between Toya and Quad. After Toya is taken outside to calm down by Simone and Lisa, Contessa comes out to check on Toya. She breaks down in tears and says that she’s been feeling like a target. But Heavenly is who she blames for what just happened.

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