Patrick enlists Torin to help him propose.
After talking to Safari’s father, Patrick has decided to propose. He asks Torin to help him do this and make it an evening that Safari won’t ever forget. The plan is for Patrick to propose at OLG’s upcoming Friday Vibe event that Torin has been asked to plan.
Later on, Patrick talks to his mom about the proposal. His mom gets emotional because her baby boy is getting ready to become a husband. She’s happy that it’s Safari he’s chosen to settle down with.
Before the Friday Night Vibe event, Kandi and Todd meet with Don Juan and Phillip to discuss the staff. They ask Phillip who they feel should be let go. He suggests Dom’Unique because of her relationship with Brandon, and Rashard due to drinking on the job.
Rashard is fired.
It’s the night of the Friday Event Vibe event. Brian is the host. And although he has everyone in good spirits and laughing, Brian couldn’t prevent Torin from having a heated moment with Don Juan. Plus, Rashard is put on blast for accepting money from customers to shorten their weight time. He’s also accused of drinking on the job. So his time at OLG is cut short.
The most positive moment of the night is Patrick proposing to Safaree in front of their family and friends. Safari says yes and becomes emotional.
What are your thoughts about the episode?