So was Miss Wanda really fired from LAMH?
“Love & Marriage: Huntsville” star Miss Wanda has been a hot topic on social media the last few days. Melody Holt was in the middle of an Instagram Live session when an altercation took place. And fans believe that it was Martell Holt and Marsau Scott who got into the altercation. Melody even begged Martell not to fight. However, cameras caught everything. So whatever did happen that day will most likely be shown on the show in future episodes. In the meantime, Melody did tell her followers that no one put their hands on her. So rumors that suggested Miss Wanda and LaTisha Scott ran up on her are not true.
It was said that what led to the huge blowup was comments Miss Wanda had previously made on social media. And she said that Melody needs to get a DNA test done for her youngest daughter. She’s not convinced that Martell is the child’s biological father.
Well, fans started a petition that called for Miss Wanda’s firing. Over 5000 thousand people have signed it thus far. And Martell told fans that the petition was a success because Wanda has been removed.
Interestingly enough, Marsau has responded. Not only did he defend his mother-in-law’s actions, but he said Miss Wanda will still be filming LAMH.
Click next for the details.
He sounds like a fool. Melody and Martel child is 4. Wanda’s vhild is over 30. Just because Tisha is spineless and can’t fight her own battles. You can’t compare children to a grown ass woman. Wanda ìs ignorant. She has no class and is à embrassment.
Marsau thinks people are stupid. The reasoning used here is the equivalent of a child’s thinking. This show has really taken a turn for the worse when you’re defending innocent children being bullied by a woman in her 50s.
This type of foolery is going to be this show Downfall. If she don’t get kicked off of this show somebody is going to end up slapping some real good sense into that lady h-ll I can’t even call her a lady because a lady would never talk about a child period. Since they won’t kick her off she needs to be beat off because she’s doing to much. Tisha is just a sad case because she’s allowing her mother and husband to act this way.
I agree with Chelsea, she doesn’t have to act so doggone foolish as if her daughter is a retard, cannot handle her own business. She does have other children or not, perhaps she thinks the way she does is because that is her MO.
Marsau is a gaslighted.
Didn’t believe it. And Carlos will run this show to the ground because of his desperation for ratings.
All Marsau and Latisha do is let their relatives do all their dirty work. I can’t respect it either.
The show is sad. Latisha looks stupid..wanting to be more than she is! Of course her husband cheats on her because he can
Carlos is really pimping out all of these people and they are too thirsty to notice.
Wanda because she does not deserve the Miss is a DISSERVICE to the show.She is CLASSLESS,ILLITERATE,ATTENTION WH**,DISRESPECTFUL AF…if she don’t go she may end up getting DRAGGED (where Porsha at) #wandagottago #brokehusbandandboyfriend #classless #attentionw****
So Marsau is only worried about money and ratings. Hmm okay. Kind of weird to see black folks who are supposed to be so successful and educated happily displaying they have no integrity.
I absolutely hate this show, or the action. It’s is the biggest mess I’ve ever seen. Stopped watching it,because ofthr foolishness. LaTisha, poor thing has her head buried undergroung. Marsau, thinks he’s a smart a-s. He will get caught, but will it matter to Tisha?