On tonight’s “Queen Sugar,” Darla gets put into a very tough spot and Micah gets called out by his grandmother.
First, Darla presents her idea for the co-op to buy Charley’s Queen Sugar Mill to the Co-Op farmers. The farmers, including Prosper, engage in a tense debate that disheartened her. To make things worse, Chase managed to send Darla an NDA regarding their past interactions. This sends Darla to an AA meeting and she almost relapses.
Next, Micah’s NFT sale makes Zane’s firm a huge amount of money and bought them tons of attention. Unfortunately for Micah, it brings on much ridicule to Charley and Davis as they’re on the campaign trail in California. Charley tries to get in touch with Micah but he ignores the calls as he’s at a party in a Hollywood mansion.
This leads to Charley getting her mom to get Micah. Micah’s grandmother lets Micah know he doesn’t need to hurt the family.
Lastly, Prosper and Sandy have bachelor and bachelorette parties hosted by Aunt Vi and Hollywood. However, Prosper wonders if he and Sandy are moving too fast.
Here’s the recap for, “Soothing Electric Vibration.”
Click next for the details.