‘Queen Sugar’ Recap: Darla Takes On Sam Landry + Prosper Marries Sandy

Queen Sugar Season 7 Episode 10
Photo Credit: OW

Dominic returns.

Nova gets a wonderful surprise. Dominic returns, ringing her doorbell as he calls her telling Nova that his trip changed his feelings about her.

They celebrate his return in their bedroom into the morning.

Speaking of which, it’s the day of Prosper’s wedding and he’s nervous. Billie gives Prosper a wedding gift from Charley and Davis. The gift puts a smile on Prosper’s face. Meanwhile, Prosper’s best man Ralph Angel is ready for the wedding. However, he can’t stop thinking about Sam Landry and Randolph’s information.

Ralph Angel and Darla eventually make it to the wedding and he’s by Prosper’s side. Everyone is present when Sandy walks down the aisle in a white dress.

Sandy and Prosper recite heartfelt vows and the ceremony occurs with smiles and happy tears flowing. The ceremony ends with the newlywed couple kissing in front of everyone and jumping the broom.

A fire is discovered during the wedding.

During the reception, Ralph Angel issues a heartfelt speech. Meanwhile, Micah’s busy taking pictures of the ceremony. Everyone is having a good time at the reception.

Billie and Nova talk about how rare it is for people like Prosper and Sandy to find love at their stage in life. They also talk about Billie’s healing and growing comfort with commitment.

Later on, Nova pulls Ralph Angel aside to talk about the film. Ralph Angel receives a cut from the advance and Nova tells Ralph Angel to buy the land back.

The mood of the reception changes when Mrs. Parthena and Ralph Angel discover sugar cane burning on Landry land nearby. Once the fire is under control, the Co-Op meets to discuss why this could occur. They suspect Sam Landry is doing something as Darla reveals Sam’s bad loans to the group.

Despite this, Aunt Vi pleads with everyone to return to enjoying the reception.

Keke opens up to Micah about their breakup.

The next day, Micah’s at home with Keke showing pictures from the wedding. While they hang out, Micah asks why she broke up with him. Keke explains that she felt they were growing apart. She also felt it wasn’t easy being his girlfriend.

Their talk leads to Keke apologizing for breaking up with him the way she did.

Meanwhile, Billie and Vince explain how they can take Sam Landry to court. Ralph Angel wants to speak to Sam Landry face to face but Billie and Vince deter this. Darla suggests she talks to Sam instead and everyone agrees.

When she steps into the office, the talk doesn’t go well. Sam puts up a good front but reveals he’s close to finalizing a sale of land soon to developers. He also says he didn’t know about the fire and tried to blame it on lightning. Darla doesn’t believe this one bit.

Before she leaves, Darla warns him that everything will crash down on him.

As this goes on, Aunt Vi and Hollywood get ready to fly out to Seattle to meet with one of the owners of the land near the burn.

Billie and Vince are at Prosper’s working on the case for the Co-Op against Sam. While doing this, Vince opens up to Billie about his feelings and going back to Chicago. Billie then tells Vince she misses him and then kisses him.

Dominic learns about Calvin’s visit.

Meanwhile, Dominic and Nova are at home and Nova’s writing a book. She tells Dominic about the book which speaks about the loves of her life. This leads to Nova talking about her high school sweetheart.

During the talk, Charley calls which gives Dominic a chance to take a peek into Nova’s writing.

Later on, Darla reveals that Sam Landry could’ve been filing for disaster relief funds that Billie and Vince find in their documents. Next, Ralph Angel and Darla head to the USDA office to speak to Roy Miller.

They then learn that they could give him a bribe. Darla and Ralph Angel recorded the conversation as he declined to accept their payment.

Darla enacts her plan to squeeze Sam Landry.

Meanwhile, Nova returns from her phone call to see Dominic reading her book transcript, and writing about Calvin’s recent visit. He didn’t read everything and Nova shows him the end of it. This leads to a deep conversation about their feelings for one another.

Later on, Billie and Vince are cuddling with one another and they continue to talk about their relationship. Billie opens up and reveals how her past affected how she moved within their relationship.

Billie then surprises Vince by proposing to him. Prosper and Vince interrupt their moment as they return home from their honeymoon. They decided to postpone the trip.

As they decompress from the trip, Prosper puts on some romantic music as Sandy returns from the bathroom in a robe.

Lastly, Ralph Angel receives encouragement from Darla regarding an upcoming public speech about the Co-Op and Sam Landry. Their talk is interrupted by Tru taking her first steps. Meanwhile, Aunt Vi arrives at Betty’s home to talk to her about the Co-Op land. The episode ends with Aunt Vi knocking on Betty’s door.

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