RHOP Recap: Candiace Gets Even with Ashley + Producers Preview Chaos Between Wendy & Mia

Photo Credit: Bravo

Candiace gets even with Ashley.

Ashley and Candiace continue their argument at Wendy’s burn session. After Ashley says she heard that Chris has been sending inappropriate DMs to other women. And Candiace claps back alleging that Michael is some man’s client and he pays the man to “orally please” him. In a green screen interview, Candiace says she’s been holding on to this accusation for a long time. So she said since Ashley acted like she “wanted smoke.

Gizelle and Candiace clash again. 

Wendy decides that this messy exchange is a sign to end the burn session. Candiace then pulls Gizelle aside to discuss the accusations she made about Chris. Gizelle says that she told Chris to leave her dressing room at the reunion because she felt uncomfortable talking to a married man alone. 

Candiace says Chris told her that it was Gizelle who suggested they speak privately in her dressing room. But Gizelle says that isn’t how it happened. Regardless, Candiace feels Gizelle’s accusation is malicious. And she thinks Gizelle waited to tell her this because she wanted to do it on the show. She breaks down in tears and Gizelle tells Candiace that what she’s saying just isn’t true. 

But Candiace still feels Gizelle is being malicious. She goes on to tell her that she’s the reason why victims don’t come forward. Gizelle thinks this is absurd. And their conversation ends with nothing resolved. 

It’s time for a girls’ trip. 

Ashley sees a divorce attorney. She says she decided to pull the plug on the marriage after Michael didn’t seem to understand that she doesn’t want to have someone join them in their bedroom anymore. Having children changed Ashley’s perspective. 

She doesn’t want to hire a lawyer for their divorce until she gets closer to one year in their legal separation. Ashley will consider a proposal unless she doesn’t like the terms. Then she’ll hire a lawyer to fight it out in court. The lawyer she speaks to advises her against letting Michael buy her a house. 

Mia heads to the nail salon with Charrisse and her best friend Jacquline. She says she’s inviting all the ladies to a girls’ trip to Miami, even Wendy. 

Gizelle is done with Chris. 

Gizelle, Robyn, and Ashley shop for the Miami trip. They discuss the drama that happened at the burn session. Ashley says she doesn’t believe the accusation made by Candiace. Robyn tells her that years ago, Candiace told her that Michael allegedly uses the services of a male escort. But she told Robyn she wouldn’t blast Ashley about this. 

Chris is also discussed. Gizelle doesn’t appreciate Chris calling her a liar on Twitter. Robyn says that Chris acts just like Candiace on social media. And she told Candiace that Chris’ tweets were becoming hostile. She also says Candiace goes to Chris and overdramatizes things. So it’s only making the situation worse. At this point, Gizelle no longer likes Chris and wants nothing to do with him.

Producers preview a chaotic upcoming episode.

With the exception of Candiace who will be arriving late, the ladies make it to Miami. Mia has assigned rooms via cards. Ashley decides to switch out Wendy and Candiace’s cards so they have to share a room. 

Mia FaceTimes Peter Thomas to ask him if he has enough room for a party of 8 at his Bar One club. He says yes but he wants Mia to tell Wendy that he has beef with her. At the end of the episode, producers then fast forward to a quick glimpse of Mia throwing a drink at Mia later at Peter’s club that night. 

What are your thoughts on the episode? 

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  1. I have to say I’m with Candace on THIS… they’re using this for a storyline…. Giselle…Mia lied about Chris watching her …the footage showed he never even looked her way at that party and Ashley and her forehead is lying about her friend saying Chris touched her… EVERYTIME someone commented on Chris they rolled footage showing him minding his own business… ignoring everybody….can’t wait for the reunion.

  2. Gizelle is lying because it was your room so why you let him in it. I believe Chris period!!! When she see him after the reunion at the party and you smile and hug him, That tell me you made that up for a storyline.

  3. Yeah, Gizelle is a bold face liar, I believe Chris also, if she was so uncomfortable, what took her so long to say so, and why would she hug him at Karen’s party, she look comfortable to me, Chris is angry, that they are trying this, but Candice and that footage gonna handle all of them, Gizelle just needs a storyline, who cares if she’s done with Chris, he’s done with her,she thinks it’s all about her, watch how this turns around on Gizelle and Ashley, Candice and Chris gonna have a field day on them, I hate LIAR’s , funny how Mia ends up changing her part, saying Chris was staring at her, she knows Production has the footage, so she changes the story and apologize to Candice.I hope Chris never apologize to Gizelle and totally ignore her, I would!!!

  4. i believe this is just Gizelles target for this season. However, i noticed Candiace had sooo much smoke and energy for Ashley, but you are whispering and crying talking to the real Devil… Gizelle! Where was Rat a Tat for Gizelle who is the real demon. Where da Rat a tat at?!!!

    1. I hate to say it but Candice is giving weak.
      Gizelle lied on her husband and Chris and Candice seems afraid of confronting her the way she Confronted Monique and Mia.

  5. In no way do I think Chris is a creep .
    Nor do I particularly care for any of this cast .

    BUT 2 things can exist at the same time .

    We have so many inappropriate, disrespectful to marriage types that it has gone unsung. No woman friend or not should be in a room alone talking with someone else’s husband. PERIODT !

    Yep stay out of closed rooms with other women’s husband’s just like keep your legs closed to other people’s husband s.

    Y’all married to medicine fans would have had no problem if heavenly said the same thing Gizzard said and you would have supported it.

    Gizzard has repeatedly said HE didn’t do ANYTHING it’s just SHE who was UNCOMFORTABLE. Again SHE

    It’s her own thing, could be her trauma from her dirty dick ex ,could be her southern Baptist upbringing,she could have been a sneaky link or it could be just out of respect to MARRIAGE!!!

    Whatever the case she never accused him of anything.In addition to nobody should even attempt to police someones feelings .

    Now Ashley and Mia putting 30 on 10 was a whole nother component,while although seperate got joined in to paint him as a creep and put ALL of this on Gizzards back .

    Plus we all know (yep I’m generalizing) white men love to get common . Touching and being friendly beyond the relationship.
    Again not saying Chris does BUT he may have believed that HE and Gizzard were friends when Gizzard just thought of him as her castmate/friends husband .

    So yeah she can be uncomfortable without feeling threatened and he could have just been talking to à friend.Same sitch but 2 diff outcomes.

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