Mia Thornton said she regrets her actions.
Mia Thornton probably didn’t anticipate that her trip to Miami would become a backdrop of another “Real Housewives of Potomac” altercation. However, her issues with Wendy Osefo became violent on the latest episode. Wendy was upset that Mia told her she should have checked in with Peter Thomas since she was coming to Miami. The night ended after Mia threw her drink at Wendy and assaulted her with a purse.
When Mia attempted to defend her actions on the show, she said that Wendy shaded her marriage.
Robyn Dixon and Gizelle Bryant felt like Wendy “antagonized” Mia. So they didn’t have any sympathy for her. Ashley Darby and Karen Huger think Mia crossed the line.
Interestingly enough, many RHOP fans are not happy with Mia’s actions. They have been calling her out on social media since the episode aired. Mia’s critics think what she did was unacceptable and they want her to be held accountable by everyone.
Well, Mia responded to the backlash.
She tweeted, “Reactivated to say, My actions towards Wendy was intolerable. It’s unfortunate that you all will attack my family, friends and my businesses based on an edited tv show. While I was committed to drama and entertainment I must do what’s best for brand & partners. Much love, Mia.”
Mia added, “I take FULL ACCOUNTABILITY, I was wrong. No one deserves to be treated with disrespect. I’m sorry I let you all down.”
Chile, apparently people want blood. Here let’s just remove all lightskinned folks from all television so there won’t be any misconceptions about colorism and sterotypes. Lets just remove all the lightskinned folks from Potomac and never allow them to have forgiveness. I mean Candace and Wendy are angels since the start and have done nothing but be gracious and humble people. It was really some folks imagination to think Candace and Wendy’s behavior in the past created such toxicity, right. All will be good in the world. Candace has every right to use gay s-x as leverage and push Monique out. Wendy has every right to speak down and talk of her many degrees and business because noone in the audience or life in general will make without all her degrees. Hey even Karen deserves Candace saying she is with a man. We should all take a step back and allow these wonderful individuals to continue to do the best because what would the show be without them . Nothing. Let’s just move on and hope that Bravo does what VH1 did with basketball wives. Then the world will be all great and it clearly will show only dark skinned melanin women that will be more successful . ☺️👍
That narrative is so what Wendy and Candice want us to believe. I guess karma is not something that applies to them and their actions.
She’s still playing the victim.
She should apologize to Wendy.
Where was Mia’s apologizing in her statement?
This was not about colorism it is about right and wrong. Mia was wrong and she owned it. Now Candice deserved her whipping. She got more upset after she filed charges and Monique showed her whose a$$ was the blackest.
Candice and Wendy want people to feel sorry for them, because they feel sorry for themselves. They don’t like their skin color and their looks. If Wendy was saying things about my husband and talking about whipping my a-s yes she would of got a drink.
Mia is so messy. After throwing the drink in Wendy’s face now she want to play the victim sit down somewhere Mia
Mia was wrong!!! How all of a sudden she’s acting like she a bad b-tch. She could not have thrown her drink in most black women faces, she would’ve got an a-s whipping on the spot. And at the end of all that, Wendy was going to give her what she deserve, an a-s whipping. Giselle and Robin don’t care for Wendy, they are so phony it is pathetic. Who hangs around women you know you don’t like. I guess you can say the money and fame is good. BRAVO need to get real women with real stories and real lives. I am tired of watching the fakeness!