On the recent episode of “Love And Hip Hop Atlanta,” the drama in The Bahamas continues. Spice and Shekinah don’t believe Bambi and Sierra are telling the truth when they say Erica Mena didn’t tell them she called Spice a monkey. Shekinah and Spice go all the way in on Bambi. She starts to feel like everyone is attacking her because she decided to divorce Scrappy after he allegedly cheated on her.
Yandy and Kirk are able to talk Scrappy and Bambi into having a one-on-one conversation with each other to do something about the tension. The former couple couldn’t even be cordial to each other. So everyone else was uncomfortable witnessing their explosive arguments.
During the heartfelt conversation, Scrappy tells Bambi that he still loves her. And the feeling is mutual.
Here’s a recap for, “Resting Beach Face.”
Click next for the details.
Bambi and Erica are both the same! One is no better then the other. Embarrassing!
I am really loving Bambi this season. I think her, Mena and Sierra are the only three who see Scrappy for what he is. Scrappy has a way of manipulating women to side with him when he’s wrong. I’m surprised Erica Dixon has fallen for it because Scrappy has treated her worse than all the other women he’s mistreated. He literally dumped Erica while she had a newborn to be with Diamond. So I don’t understand why she’s helping him go at Bambi now. I’d never help my ex hurt his wife after he dogged me out for years. I hope Erica wakes up soon. Anyway, rooting for the women only haha.
I couldn’t stand Bambi for years. I like her now. Used to love Erica. But she’s been too much of a pick me lately. Never cared for Diamond. She’s been mean for years.
Could not have said it better myself!!! 100%
You are absolutely right but why is Diamond relevant when really she had no storyline.
I love Bambi!!! She hasn’t said anything bad about Scrappy during all of this and she’s been called everything in the book! She told Erica and Sierra not to say anything to Scrappy and when THEY did everyone blamed Bambi. Never mind this woman has 3 kids under 5 years old and was forced to leave her home because her husband couldn’t handle his part of the bills and when he decides he’s the schitt now because he’s on the Millennium Tour (rolls eyes) he wants Bambi to hype him up and be the cheerleader and because she didn’t when he wanted her to in his words – went to someone who did -. Momma Dee saying Shay’s baby is Scrappy (insinuating that he’s having sex outside of his marriage – unprotected) then saying Diamond called her saying she may be pregnant. But women defending Scrappy on the show and in the comments. Diamond and Erica online talking mess (Erica was more invested in the divorce than what Bambi said and did to her daughter) and Momma Dee constantly doing Lives on IG about Bambi.
She deserves a medal for not cussing everyone out and they mad she hasn’t because they want her to be the villain . It’s pretty pathetic.
Spice CONSTANTLY coming at these women like she running the cast who the F*** she think she is…maybe if she stop jumping around like a 🐒 she would not be called one…FYI a am african american so don’t come at me abno RACIST S***