The CPD is watching Tommy closely.
Jenard isn’t doing so well as the pressure continues to mount around him. He turned to drugs to cope with the stress and hallucinates seeing Lil K hanging dead in his bedroom. This results in him freaking out until the vision is gone. Meanwhile, Detective DiFranco is talking to the other detectives about Lil K’s death. He believes the killing was in retaliation to Lil K attempting to take out Tommy. So he wants more eyes on Tommy until they can find someone who knows more about Lil K’s demise.
While the police are learning more about Tommy, he meets up with Mireya after she accepts his offer to teach her how to drive. They ride in his new truck since he lost the Mustang to Lil K’s assassination attempt. Detectives watch nearby while taking pictures. They are frustrated when they lose Tommy due to Mireya racing to outpace a train.
Paulie tells Walter that he can talk to the Dublin crew to see if they can receive more time to pay off their hefty debt. Walter is completely against this. He’s too prideful to ask for any help or time extensions. He figures the best way to get the money is to increase the “rent” for everyone they protect.
Leon’s mother Gianna comes to Diamond’s barbershop to properly meet him after he offers to teach her son how to box. Diamond took a liking to the young man and supported his activism in the community. And he wanted to help him after he saved Leon from being jumped by street kids. He seemingly hits it off with Gianna and she approves of the boxing lessons.
Erratic behavior is noticed by the rest of Jenard’s Treason crew.
Jenard continues to spiral out of control. One of his men asks him about Lil K’s whereabouts. He claims to not know but the Treason member notices a scratch on Jenard’s neck and his constant drug usage. Jenard receives a text from the Serbs. They demand to be paid by the end of the day.
After Tommy and Mireya wrap up a fun day of driving, they head to the park. Tommy notices a man watching them with a familiar gang tattoo on his neck. They confront each other in an empty public restroom. The guy tells Tommy he’s in Rojas’ crew. Rojas is Diamond’s foe who they just made a deal with to sell drugs in the prison. Tommy tries to warn the man that he and Diamond are cool with Rojas now. And just made a deal together. But the man won’t listen and attempts to stab Tommy anyway.
They fight until Tommy kills him with his own knife.
D-Mac hangs out with Marshall who informs him of how well Tommy and Diamond are doing with CBI. Marshall thinks it was a good idea for Tommy to make D-Mac sit out the action after he was shot. D-Mac isn’t so sure. He tells Marshall regardless, he won’t be caught “slipping” again because of the gun he took from the house. But he wants to get back into the action because he has a crush on a girl named Genesis and she only likes guys with money.
Claudia once again fails at talking Vic into being in business with her and selling pills. Vic tells her he’s done being used by her and Walter. And he’s been busy working on taking down Walter from the inside for Gloria’s death. Claudia tells Vic he isn’t hurting Walter at all. He’d know that if he went to Gloria’s former bar to see what It’s become since her demise.
Tommy gives D-Mac a warning.
Diamond’s former PO Seamus comes to the barbershop demanding more money for his sick sister since he blames Diamond’s drugs on her health’s decline. He wants $50,000 but Diamond doesn’t feel obligated to oblige anymore since Seamus was fired as his PO for his CBI connections.
Tommy watches on from outside of the shop as Seamus gets loud with Diamond.
Diamond says he doesn’t have the money. But Seamus doesn’t believe this and threatens to disclose Diamond’s drug dealing activities. Diamond has until that night to come up with the money.
When Tommy asks Diamond what the cop was doing there, Diamond lies.
Vic goes to Gloria’s old bar to see if Claudia told the truth. Turns out, she was. He walks in to see naked women walking around and servicing men. When he looks at the wall, he sees Gloria’s picture was removed. And a man isn’t sure who Gloria is when Vic asks about the picture. This sets him off and he is told to leave before the cops are called.
D-Mac tells Tommy he wants back in on the action and he should have been where Marshall is in the organization. Tommy isn’t hearing any of this. And he warns D-Mac to stay off the streets or he’ll kill him himself.
Jenard has another close call.
Paulie meets with Brendan behind Walter’s back. He asks for an extension for Walter to pay off his debt. Brendan reluctantly says he’ll consider this out of respect for Paulie.
DiFranco is pleased when detectives bring photos of Tommy and Mireya together. They know Mireya is Miguel’s little sister. And she is off limits. So this will be the first mistake Tommy has made which will give them an opening.
Claudia has a sit-down with Mirkovic to see if the Serbs would be open to doing business together and distributing her pills. He says he’s not interested because the Flynns are on their way out because of Walter’s debt with the Dublin mob. Claudia says this isn’t true. But her deal is to work with her alone and not Walter.
She also says Jenard and Diamond faked their fallout to grab more territories. Now with Tommy in the fold, they are selling drugs in the prison. So Mirkovic is on limited time before she attempts this deal with someone else.
Jenard is nearly killed by Miguel until Mireya walks in on the intensity. Miguel wants the money he is owed. But Mireya was planning to give him his insulin and was frustrated to see he was in the middle of his usual criminal activities. Miguel lets Jenard go.
Vic and Claudia have a plan.
Diamond sneaks off to give Seamus the $50,000 he demanded for his sister. After he leaves it in the glove compartment, Seamus says Diamond makes money so easily selling drugs. So he wants $25,000 more by the end of the day. Tommy watches on from a distance. When he confronts Diamond, he pulls a gun out on him to question if he is a snitch. Diamond explains the cop is shaking him down because he sold his sister drugs that made her very sick. Tommy says he has a plan to deal with this cop. And moving forward, everyone in their crew will have burner phones they will switch out often. Tommy suspects other cops are on to them.
Jenard’s soldiers become upset when they learn Lil K was killed and he admits to doing the deed. It leads to a few of them attacking him but the brawl is stopped by other Treason members. Frustrated by Lil K’s death and Jenard doing their drugs himself, a few of them quit the crew. Now Jenard is only left with a few men.
Walter goes to Paulie’s to fire him for speaking to the Dublin mob behind his back to get more time to pay off his debt. He drunkenly tells Paulie he only hired him because his sister asked him to since he couldn’t keep a job. But all Paulie did was ruin Walter’s reputation. Paulie would be dead if it wasn’t for Vic and Claudia.
Claudia is finally able to talk Vic into working with her and the Serbs. When the time is right, they can take out the Serbs and Walter for complete revenge and freedom to live their lives the way they want. They don’t believe Walter ever loved them and they are tired of being used by him.
D-Mac causes a major problem for Tommy and Diamond.
Diamond’s attorney confirms a task force has been created and CBI is on top of the list. So Diamond needs to lay low and let the CBI soldiers do all the dirty work for now. She recommends they find a CPD connect to help them and supply info. Seamus comes to mind.
Tommy attempts to spend more time with Mireya at his place. But a text from Diamond insisting they meet with Seamus in 20 minutes shortens their evening. Mireya kisses him goodbye.
Things go left when Tommy attempts to talk things out with Seamus and Diamond at the barber shop. He doesn’t want to work for Diamond or Tommy because he hates drug dealers. Seamus points a gun at Tommy threatening to kill him and D-Mac quickly comes in to shoot him. Diamond and Tommy are in shock as they take in the blood that was just splattered on their faces. Tommy tells D-Mac he just killed a cop. D-Mac said he had no choice because Tommy was about to be killed.
Diamond still in a complete state of shock then questions what they are supposed to do now.
What are your thoughts on the episode?