LAMH Recap: Marsau Apologizes to Melody + Martell is Fed up with Marsau

LAMH Season 6 Episode 19 Recap
Photo Credit: OWN

On tonight’s “Love and Marriage: Huntsville,” feedback for the Blaque Business Expo takes center stage. But first, Marsau ends up apologizing to Melody. This occurs after he and Melody have a tense conversation where Melody calls him out for downplaying her business acumen.

Meanwhile, Tiffany reveals she’s experiencing postpartum depression and needs Louis home to support her. Despite promising to give her more of what she’s asking for, Louis’ job as a college baseball coach could get in the way of that.

Lastly, when Kimmi and Maurice host their feedback session for LaTisha and Marsau, Marsau’s tension with Courtney and Stormi comes into focus. This leads to Marsau sarcastically agreeing with Stormi saying he’s a *****. Martell’s not happy either when he hears about Marsau downplaying Melody’s business acumen and what they’ve done for Marsau business-wise.

In fact, Martell angrily brings up Martell’s previous job and how he and Melody helped Marsau get to where he is in business today.

Here’s the episode for, “Town Hall Downfall.”

Click next for the details.

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  1. You know the show has gone all the way left when I’m agreeing with friggin Martell, of all people. I feel like I’m in the damn Twilight Zone!

  2. I agree with both Troy and Jude. Marsau is such a donkey who I think like to hear himself talk. He contradicts himself and when someone calls him on it, he try’s to switch it to something else and sound like a bigger A-s. He doesn’t like to give woman credit for anything. Like Martell said none of them may not be as successful if it wasn’t for their platform. Mel proved that she’s been doing this and Marsau is low key jealous. I loved when she told Marsau that he didn’t want his wife around her because in a nutshell she’ll finally see her self worth and leave him. Also Mel dropped jewels that he’s using his side so it can appear that she’s the primary share owner, so if it wasn’t for latisha would Marsau really be where he is. Latisha better wisen up and see her value and that Marsau needs her more than she needs him. No one else is going to put up with his mess. Just like he was coming from being with another female when he got into an accident with that sports car years ago when he was going to meet up with the guys at the camping trip. I’m sure this is his opportunity to be stepping out undetected while he has his wife and younger children living in a totally different home . We’ll see how much longer their relationship is going to survive.

  3. Everybody that has been watching this show knows that Melody, and Martell, were the it couple, and Marsau and Latisha Scott were riding on Martell and Melody’s coat tails. PLAIN AND SIMPLE now all of a sudden Marsau and Latisha are “a well-established “BUSINESS Couple” Please give me a break.
    This is the thing with “BOTTON FEEDERS”, when they think they have a little success, with help from generous friends, they get the big head slow down Marsau and Letisha the fall down is a painful one

    1. I agree with you Melody & Martell, are the couple————Marsau and his wife know that as well. Regarding the Town Hall Meeting it was needed. Regarding the $100 what did they do with that money (No Food) was provided, unanswered questions???????

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