LAMH Recap: Marsau Puts KeKe on Blast + LaTisha is Done

LAMH Season 6 Episode 22 Recap
Photo Credit: OWN

On tonight’s “Love and Marriage: Huntsville,” the cast immediately deals with the fallout from KeKe throwing the drink in LaTisha’s face.

KeKe’s husband Ameen had to be separated after Marsau shouted that KeKe needed to be drug tested.

When Ameen and KeKe leave Kimmi’s event, KeKe’s actions and her recovery are a topic. LaTisha brings up that she’s done with KeKe, as she claims KeKe broke a promise to not talk about her marriage. Marsau is also frustrated with the allegations from KeKe and claims to have no sympathy or empathy for her recovery.

This ends with Stormi crying when it’s revealed she has a friend recovering from addiction that she has helped.

After the event, Courtney tells Chris and Martell he’s willing to talk to Marsau one more time to set boundaries. Martell also tells Courtney that Stormi disrespected Marsau by calling him the B-Word. 

Lastly, Melody approaches KeKe with an idea to squash all the rumors; to take a drug test.

Here’s the recap for, “Not About to KeKe and Haha.”

Click next for the details.

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  1. Marsau is a b****. He always have so much to say to woman and when peoples husbands aren’t around. When Kiki’s husband was coming for that a** his a** was playing ring around the Rosie. Than he had so much to say when he got in the house. I agree with stormi, Marsau is a b****. Stay out of woman s***. I’m not sure why Tisha is with your disrespectful a**.

  2. Well, well! We all have our own perspective. Yes, Marsau will hold what he thinks is a funny sarcastic conversation with women. He was raised to be dominant and that’s who he is and that’s who Tisha married. Now that Tisha has started earning her own money, she does not want to be dominated anymore.

    As for Keke, she has a problem and that’s evident. Tisha didn’t want to speak with you. I don’t think it would have gone well whether she spoke or not. Keke was there to bring up drama. So, Tisha did what was best for her. Keke couldn’t get the power from Tisha so she pouted like a kid and pushed the cards and threw the drink.

    Wrong, Wrong, Wrong on all levels. Marsua defended his wife as he should have. From my eyes, some people want to say anything to you but they want to control what you say back to them. That’s not how it goes.

    That old saying, don’t start none and it won’t be none. I do believe that Tisha and Marsua care very much for Ameem. Ameem is trying to pacify his wife by lying and saying that they don’t. Keke is unhappy and has so many problems that she is trying to take it out on others.

    Now, why would Melody ask KeKe to take a drug test? That’s the question of the night. Will Keke take it? No!

    If you don’t know about the power of addiction, how can you speak on it? Keke needs help! Not to be discussed, analyzed or fixed. Real Talk and Real Help! I bet that once that happens, her and Tisha will be able to rebuild their relationship.

    Good Luck!

    P.S. A season with substance is good but delicate.

    1. Inger,
      Here you go again…….. Do you have any credentials that qualify you to diagnose anyone as a substance user. You have a right to your opinion and Stan whoever on the show, but you won’t keep making ignorant comments each time something regarding Keke is posted.
      We’ve seen on reality shows numerous fights…..real fights, Keke flips, (not intentionally throw) a cup , as luck would have it, it landed perfectly. Are we to assume EVERY reality star that fight is on drugs?? If so, throw the whole bad girl club, away then.
      I would say you are the one needing help, your fixation with bashing this women at every opportunity, is weird.
      If you’re so obsessed with addicts, take a look around you, the very ppl you admire or trust maybe the “functional addiction “, your doctors, lawyers, teachers, politicians, etc…….. I know because I work with them daily , helping them to get back on track.
      Keke is battling her demons and honest about it, you however need to get your issues under control.

      1. Who are you talking to?

        Do we know each other? We are clearly on two different levels.

        As a recovering person of 36years uninterrupted sobriety, I can say a lot.

        This isn’t my story. It’s my perception. We can all see things differently. The grace that we are all given is the right to see, be and do things differently.

        I’m also an educated woman who is far from being ignorant.

        May God Bless whoever you are and whoever you are trying to be.

  3. Marsau is all bark and no Bite! Was I the only one to see him backing up when KeKe husband was coming after him? He was suppose to stand there and swing, instead he was running and still talking sh*t!!

  4. Tisha is constantly saying somebody’s coming for her marriage. The
    very first official meeting with the Fletcher’s, “ Tisha asked have y’all ever
    experienced infidelity in YALL marriage”? Marsau and Tisha does an excellent
    job of deflecting the conversation away from his cheating to KeKe’s addiction.
    I find it ironic that they’re talking about all they did for Keke but they can’t
    ex knowledge what MS. MARTELL, AND MELODY did for them. The nerves of
    Tisha and Marsau, we know the both of them are from the wrong side of the
    railroad tracks and it shows. The Scott’s Criminal record is so long they could
    use it as a book faker because that’s all they do is fake everything they do.
    KeKe keep doing you but I would pay Tisha DUST.

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