Ashley Silva Confirms She is Leaving ‘Love & Marriage: DC’ Amid Feuds & Backlash from Fans

Photo Credit: OWN/YouTube

Ashley Silva isn’t on good terms with her LAMDC costars.

Love & Marriage: DC” star Ashley Silva is having an eventful season. The situations transpiring with her and other cast members have her reexamining the friendships she thought she had. Initially, Ashley was on good terms with newbies Joi Carter Pettie and Clifton Pettie. However, the couple didn’t like that Ashley revealed they were married. They wanted to keep it under wraps and reveal it on their own time. Although Ashley said she made a mistake and didn’t intend to be messy, Clifton and Joi weren’t so convinced it wasn’t intentional. So it’s been tense and some back and forth. And it doesn’t look like Ashley will be making peace with Clifton or Joi anytime soon.

During the recent episode, Ashley didn’t hold back her feelings about Clifton. She told him he was the sixth female cast member.

Ashley also repeated these thoughts during a conversation with her hubby DJ Quick Silva. She said Clifton acts “sassy” and she felt like he leaned in her face during their exchange. In response, Quick said there was going to be an issue the next time he sees Clifton.

Interestingly enough, Jamie Tyler and Erana Tyler think Ashley is the issue. They also said Quick doesn’t hold her accountable and not doing so is how the situation became so messy in the first place. And they don’t like the labels Ashley has given Clifton.

Ashley Silva is ready to walk away from “Love & Marriage: DC” amid backlash from viewers.

Well, Ashley is fed up. She hopped on X to accuse her friends and costars of being fake and hypocritical.

She said Jamie also called Clifton sassy in the past. When Jamie denied this in response and told Ashley to post the receipts, she did just that.


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After Ashley dropped the clip of Jamie calling Clifton sassy, she went on to express she no longer believes she ever had genuine friends in Erana and Jamie. This went down when Ashley responded to a post on X.

The X user wrote, “@AshleyBrittney ok me and my husband watched last night’s episode and I found it really odd that Jamie sat back watching Clifton lean over you and argue with you, especially since Quick wasn’t around. My husband was like in that situation Jamie should’ve stepped in and been like nah bruh?”

Ashley responded, “It’s fine. That man and his wife have admitted he tried antagonizing me on several occasions. The audience doesn’t know that. So I understand them not understanding my anger. But my cast is very well aware. They aren’t my friends. I was foolish to think they were. #lamdc”

She also said this is her last season in a reply to another fan of the show.

The fan wrote, “People Listen @AshleyBrittney is not a bully nor a mean person! Understand the business, hours and hours of footage is shot and scene after scene is reshot to give the narrative of the director/producer to give a storyline to develop a show that will bring in the ratings #LAMDC.”

Ashley replied, “Again it’s ok. I’ve got to take the L for reacting as I did. No one else has to take any ownership for anything they’ve done. I wish them well if the show gets a s3. They’ll actually have to work. #lamdc”

After the person told Ashley not to let her critics run her off the show, Ashley said leaving was her choice.

“Trust me they aren’t pushing me. Some things just aren’t for you. And that’s ok.”



          1. Yes Ashley can leave. She was definitely too much drama on the show. She reminded me as an high school Girl wanting to be the HBC and wanting everyone to do what she say and if the didn’t follow her lead there was a problem. I like her the first season but the second season did not like her at all…

        1. Amen! It’s sad how people can watch the same show and not see who the manipulators are along with their narcissistic behaviors. It’s hilarious that last season they couldn’t stand Winter no look how two-faced she is.

    2. I say Bye as well to Ashley and DJ Quick. Ashley is mental and needs attention. She is a bully and is very immature. She uses other people to gain clout. Girl Bye. Ashley is fake and again an attention seeker. She is phony and I would not trust her. She look to others to agree with her even when she is wrong. Her husband, OMG, is crazy. He is afraid to tell his wife when she is wrong and doing to much. I believe Ashley try to gain friends like she is the producer of the show.. I agree with Erana, she acts like she is in high school. Girl go work on your mental health. You are insecure, messy, a bully and need to move on!

      1. That’s a horrible horrible thing to say to a person. You should NEVER speak about someone’s mental health. Take a long look in the mirror. Do you see it?. I do.

  1. By Ashley
    Your rude you expect folks to kiss up to you like your some Gods gift to the world. Plus Ashley always have this bullying approach. Not okay then yo husband can’t tell you nothing SMH

    1. They are not.Ashley need 2 take accountability and I have no idea y u all can’t see that . She is a liar. So bye Ashley. She wants to get off the show because she can’t have her way. So bye..

    2. That’s her personna, moving like that because she’s insecure…not To mention Quick, who tries to be a gangster to impress Ashley, because he sure as h-ll not impressing anyone else😀

        1. So true !!! Ashley is giving mean girl and she thinks people are to bow down to her. Girl bye and gracefully!! 🤣🤣 he portrays to gangsta but ain’t even that! He is definitely a try hard … not even just on the show but his radio show as well.
          Lmaol I call him Wack Silva !!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Good riddance,she is definitely a bully and tries to get everyone on board with her messiness and get upset when no entertains her BS..BYE ASHLEY..But I do like her narrating on TV One Tho maybe just stick with that!

    1. That’s exactly what narcissists do! And right from the start I believe she checks all the narcissistic boxes…ok according to her she’s been damaged, but so many of us are…adults grown up get help Christians forgive and move on to purge the ugliness. If u notice, most of the husbands call out their wives behavior, Ashley husband like a lot of men living with narcissistic women learned to never ever disagree with anything she says or does, it’s emotionally abusive. Hope she can get the help she needs cuz it’s hard to watch at times

      1. I think Ashley is so unhappy in her marriage, she takes it out on everyone around her. Quick is just an ignorant man.Period, I do not trust a man who constantly constantly leaves his wife alone at every occasion that there is so I would question where he really is cuz I’m not buying it. As far as him taking care of Clifton he sounds ridiculous Clifton is a very big man and if he wanted to he could put little quick in his back pocket and carry him around with him all day sorry

  3. Unfortunately Ashley, you can’t see yourself.

    You don’t have to leave but you do need to change some of your ways. I think you can be a great asset to the show but it is not your show. You treat others as if they are beneath you. Maybe, you should go back and look at yourself. I think you’re acting on your emotions. Others have feelings to and you don’t see that not all of us are the same. Yes, you may be loyal and you may be a good friend but you’re not defined as the perfect friend.

    I wish you well if that’s your final decision. I believe that once you work through more of your childhood trauma, you will be great for tv.

    I saw your husband and you on the clip of how we met/love relationships and you both were great.

    It’s okay to fall short but take it in stride. It’s not the be all end all.

  4. These fans do entirely too much and I can’t stand it. You aren’t supposed to watch reality shows and take what these people do seriously to the point that you’re dragging them 24/7. That’s why they become fake and boring eventually. They don’t want to be dragged. Let people be their authentic selves. That’s when a show is excellent. Social media will be the death of most of these black centric shows. Watch. 🤦🏾‍♀️

    1. Exactly. Then they cry when the black shows are cancelled. You were never supposed to watch reality tv for role models. Only to be entertained and if all they’re discussing is Ashley, she’s doing her job. If she leaves, no one else is going to want to sit in that hot seat. Show is done then.

      1. I agree Ashley need to go she acts really entitled like people are beneath her. Why does she think Joy and Clifton wouldn’t be on the show if he wasn’t for her like she says who can be on the show and who can’t she doesn’t call the shots she act like she does and when Clifton said she was jealous, he really didn’t mean of joy. I think he meant of joy and Renne’s relationship.

        1. You just described the fan base too then because most of the fans don’t act like adults either. You should not be getting worked up over a TV show. It’s weird. And Carlos needs to check all of you.

    2. I absolutely agree that this is a “Reality” show and both Ashley and Joi have made childish, insecure, mean spirited comments about others on the show!

      It is sad to see that not everyone speaks the “real” truth! Unfortunately, Ashley has been labeled as the “mean girl” on the show and when Joi or Erana makes untrue or unverified comments about other cast mates character in derogatory ways, they are not checked!
      Clifton did stand up and lean into Ashley’s face and that’s on camera! No man should get up and get any woman’s face without her husband being present, not acceptable! For Joi to continue to defame and slander the Duncan’s is disturbing because she bought the innuendos about them to the show and Erana was the culprit she was discussing it with! Please roll the video footage!
      Joi, stop playing the victim role! It doesn’t look good! You put yourself and negative comments about other people on camera and do not want to take accountability when you’re confronted with what you say! Don’t come onto a Reality-based television show hiding that you’re married and you haven’t told his children!!! Makes no sense to me since, it’s on television or being streamed nationally!! I am confused that you started this nonsense because you and your husband were lying by omission to his children! Don’t go on a television show about love and marriage if you want to keep the marriage a secret from your families!! Ashley did apologize for revealing the “secret marriage” that was being revealed on camera to the world! However, Joi doesn’t accept that she is not willing to accept an apology from Ashley and she initiated a lot of drama and untruths herself and hasn’t been held accountable!!!

      Ashley please don’t leave the show! You’re a “real” woman who stands her ground and I respect you and admire you for being a Blessed and loving spirit! Yes, you are not perfect and your comments can be hurtful at times but, you also have made attempts to apologize for your comments and are working on improving how you react to others who are not as sincere in their friendships and please stay strong and believe in your greatness!
      May the Heavenly Father continue to bestow his Blessings upon you and your family always!
      I am visually impaired and would like to know if your book can be printed in large print?

  5. One thing the Love & Marriage series always shows me is how blatant misogyny is in the black community. The women are dragged to hell and back for everything they do but the fans rarely criticize the husbands to the same extent when they are just as messy as the wives. Anyone who watches Ready to Love knows Clifton is another Marsau, just younger. It’s okay for Jamie to call him sassy but not Ashley. The need to drag black women excessively always prevails I guess. So disappointing but expected. Keep your head up, Ashley. Nothing you’ve done is that terrible. Our community takes a while to catch on unfortunately. They’ll turn on each other once you’re gone.

    1. Queen,
      I respect your opinion but to piggy back, I can’t say that I agree on everything. Jamie using the word sassy is a lot different from Ashley using the word B___h! If she hadn’t confronted Cliff, I don’t think he would have said anything directly to her. Ashley is another NeeNee Leakes who I believe, thinks she’s the HBIC.

      I like Ashley personally and I really don’t think she should go. She can have a reprieve but she truly has to watch how she speaks to people. She’s a loyal friend but no one owes you anything. Carlos King is the Executive Producer, meaning his name is on the check. Whether it was Joi and Cliff or someone else, you can’t expect for people to praise you because you recommended them for the show.

      I think it’s a good show. And, I hope that Ashley and Q continues.

      1. I’m not surprised you found a way to not hold Jamie accountable for the same thing Ashley did. The definition sassy doesn’t change based on the person who used the word. The meaning is the same, which is:

        Sassy: disrespectful or impudent.

        It is not a positive word of endearment regardless of who says it. The issue is quite a few of you buy into misogynoir, so you don’t like it when black women are critical of black men. Yet, you’re totally fine with criticizing Ashley and other black women. This is why I hope Ashley leaves. You and the rest of the fan base will never be fair. Next season another black woman will be ganged up on. Monique, Winter, and now Ashley. I’m done and have nothing left to say to you. This community will never change and it’s sad.

  6. Ashley is the show and her coworkers will feel it when they don’t have her to target. This show can barely survive without Monique. Jamie and Erana are so fake and two faced.

  7. Some of y’all think this is what you want but you’re killing this show. Casting choices shouldn’t be about likability and only employing people you agree with. Time to grow up and separate entertainment from your feelings. Y’all already ran off Monique.

      1. Of course you’d be fine with a black show being cancelled because you’re a crab in the bucket like a lot of black people. The fans are the biggest reason why these shows are struggling. Can’t separate entertainment from your real life like sane people are supposed to.

        1. So the arguments on LAMDC are not real? Arguments and long-term friends becoming enemies is “not” entertainment and if you think fighting and grief is “entertainment” then you are definitely the problem.

          1. I don’t understand how you’re unclear about what I stated. I literally typed:

            “Can’t separate entertainment from your real life like sane people are supposed to.”

            When and where did I say the show is fake? I said you fans act like losers who take these shows too seriously. This show is for entertainment. The problems and feuds these people have with each other do not affect YOUR REAL LIFE in any way. You should not care this much. Y’all are the problem. Carlos needs better fans because none of you even understand how entertainment works. And it’s not normal. By the way, most of these people haven’t been friends that long and only began to associate for the show. You have a lot to learn and you should understand how this works at your big age smdh.

  8. Now Ashley can be a lot and have a stank a-s attitude but it’s clear as day the cast and fans have decided she’s the villain and the only one they’re going to drag. Even when she has proof the rest of the cast is lying and being hypocritical, they ignore that just to drag her. Ain’t no need in staying on a show if that’s the only position they want you in. Carlos needs to wake up because his shows are in trouble. He refuses to require all his cast members be transparent, so to avoid spilling their own tea, they just attack the honest ones who share everything. That sh-t is unfair and it will certainly make the actual stars of these shows start leaving. It’s Heavenly’s strategy on Married 2 Med and it’s corny.

    1. I totally agree with you and I also believe that you are able to clearly see what is being presented to you on screen!!
      Carlos King please do better with revealing the “real” in your “Reality-based” shows! It is sad to see that you are not holding all cast members accountable for what they say and do!!

  9. Ashley needs to watch the way that she has behaved. She is really rude and nasty at times. As a grown woman how can you tell someone that they “took sides” against her when the person is friends with both of them. She acts like a 12 year old. I certainly won’t miss her.

    1. That’s what I think – Ashley is very childish! She’s quick to call herself a “grown ass women”, but then she acts like a child! She should have never repeated what Joi told her in confidence-PERIOD! She was upset after Joi said she couldn’t trust her anymore – well DUH, who would trust her anymore??????? Also, to be fair, Joi should not have gone to Ashley’s holiday party at her house and not even speak to her – that was rude! In any case, Ashley’s attitude is immature to say the least! I’m glad she’s leaving the show! Oh, one last thing, if Sherrill is Ashley’s friend of many years, why isn’t she helping her with her fashion sense?? I’m just saying that women really, seriously need some help with her hair bigger than Diana Ross -she looks ridiculous and that outfit showing her big legs – not cute at all – should’ve covered that up!

    You and DJ Fun Size are EXHAUSTING.
    This show was made around MONIQUE & CHRIS NOT You and Small Fry

    Everybody can’t be wrong. You are a Mean Girl Bully who acts like a teenager who doesn’t want her friends to be friends with your “Enemies”

    Erana was your friend AND Joi’s friend and should NOT have to pick a side.

    The fact that you LIED on Clifton AFTER being so NASTY & DISRESPECTFUL in HIS FACE, calling this GROWN MAN a B and the 5th female on the show was NOT COOL

    The show can add on another couple and will be fine when you BOTH leave.

    Work on your horrible attitude or try another “GAME SHOW”


    1. YESSS!! You broke it down and I love it!! Ashley needs to go back and watch some of the past shows and maybe she will see how much of a bully she really is. Fun-size Quik doesn’t make it any better, either. He upholds her instead of making her be accountable for the way she speaks to people. If she leaves, good riddance to her. And get some therapy!!

  11. Ashley has some problems that she needs to work on. You can’t be telling someone you have chose a side just because she gets along with the person you told her business after saying it was a secret for now. Leave the show, good riddance. It may be better without you. Wish you the best.

  12. It’s always one person on the show that petty and argumentative. Ashley is that person. And sometimes it’s annoying and other times it’s entertaining. It is a reality show.

  13. Oh I’m leaving right along with Ashley. I don’t like the fan base. Next season it will be another black woman they don’t like because that’s how they always are. And it’s mainly black women and gay men doing all the bashing. No thanks, I’m out too. Ratings will only worsen because none of these people are interesting outside of Ashley. Good luck haters! I hope you can keep the show from being canceled. 😘

    1. I agree and I will not be able to continue watching the show once Ashley leaves!
      Unfortunately, we are our own worst critics and to be so judgemental in order to make a difference is sad!

    2. Ok – let’s be fair about this! On all of the White women reality tv shows, they get dragged too! I’m tired of people acting like Black people cant be dragged because they are Black! I’m Black myself and I watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Utah, which are basically White women and oh yes they do get dragged for their negative actions as well (it’s not just Black women) so please stop! Also, it’s a reality show and people will make comments (negative or positive). Maybe some people shouldn’t watch or read what the fan base have to say!

  14. Ashley and Quick are not the real villains. I wish the fans had better media literacy and used their common sense more. Too many are easy to manipulate. They root for the fake ones who plot and scheme behind people’s backs. And it’s the upfront and transparent people you run off these shows. It’s really ridiculous and it’s as if most fans just started watching reality television a couple of years ago. You wouldn’t be able to handle the goat reality shows from the past. Many are way too soft!

    1. Indeed!

      We need more of Ashley and I will no longer support the show! Too much fakeness from the other cast mates is a turn off and no accountability on their parts!!

      Keep your head up Ashley stay strong!

  15. I remember so many people wanted Mariah gone and well, Married 2 Med never recovered. Be careful what you ask for. Sometimes people you feel are unlikable contribute the most. Tami annoyed me but I see now she was needed on BBWLA. Anyway, I hate to see another black show struggle.

  16. Ashley act jealous of Joi from the first time she appeared on the show, and she has been evil and nasty to Joi ever since, and she turn’s everything around and acts like she is the victim!! Ashley bye and your little husband to !!

  17. Please Ashley is no victim 😔. She told her friend because her friend said Joi said something about Ashley. Play the scene. She is a bully. Own your shit. You aren’t the victim. Your fans need to be honest with you.

  18. Cut Ashley some slack. The show is scripted and edited to fit a narrative. True, she gave them something to show BUT there are also parts that were cut from the show so we don’t know.

    Carlos she gave his shows the same energy that he gives Bravo Shows.

  19. Ashley does come off as someone that wants to be the HBIC…… how are you going to tell a grown woman who to be friends with… i love Jamie and Arena… Quicker is Ashley’s puppet to Run… so Run him ! Leave Joy and Clifton Alone….

  20. For what we’ve seen over all seasons and especially Ashley’s recap as to happened at that Wizards Game… It’s best she leave because there isn’t any words that can justify her actions and lies!!! Everyone isnt privy to the 3 hours & 23 minutes of filming but of everyone was it wouldn’t do the Silva’s anymore justice! I hope this lady takes the time to find peace in her past and actions! Healing is key for her and now that she’s able to watch herself; she can pin point more areas that’s triggering for her!!! Don’t like or endorse this ladies action towards men or other cast members. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean I don’t hope she does the works for growth and transparency within herself!!!

  21. There are a lot of comments about how awful Ashley is and how she needs so much help. But that is projection from the viewers. The real issue is exactly what Pat pointed out: many of the fans themselves have emotional/mental issues, and they are not stable enough to understand entertainment isn’t real and this show has no actual affect on their personal lives. Truth be told the fans themselves are the biggest bullies. And the fans will kill off the entire Love & Marriage franchise because they take this stuff way too seriously like they don’t have actual lives themselves. It’s actually pathetic.

  22. Ashley isn’t that bad, she just says what she thinks to people’s faces. A lot of people don’t like that because most people are fake. Anyway, no shade but a good bit of the people who watch these shows aren’t the smartest. They want all the interesting people fired/to quit. My guess is Winter will be the next to leave.

  23. Then cancel the show because Ashley is everyone’s storyline and obsession. Literally no one talks about anything else, fans included.

    1. i’m cool with them canceling the show they can put anything else in their timeslot. I don’t watch it because of Ashley period. show reruns of ready to love.

  24. Honestly, just dump the show–it should have never gotten a S2. Although I love Monique, the concept of the LAMDC cast was rushed. The couples didn’t mesh well, and now you have these new couples that just don’t fit at all. #IssaWrap
    The Silvas give bullying/mean girl energy (yes, Ashley’s negative energy completely swallows any type of energy that Quick could offer). He won’t hold her accountable. And she really needs to resolve those mommy issues. It is the root of all of her anger. Fix that shit.
    The Tylers are tolerable now that Jamie has toned down since S1. Unfortunately, they can’t carry the show.
    The Petties are sneaky AF. Their whole vibe has been off-putting…perhaps because I didn’t like them on RTL. They lack substance, and quite frankly, I just don’t wanna see those MFs 🤷🏿‍♀️.
    The rest of the castmates are nonfactors.

    Carlos, let’s wrap this Love and Marriage franchise up at the end of the season. We had a good run but we are over it. Huntsville – The toxicity between Mel and Martell post-breakup ruined it. AND we are sick of Hips gaslighting TF out of Tisha and Mo throwing Kimmie under the bus. ATP, just give the Fletchers a separate spin-off and see how they do. I don’t even know why we had a pit-stop in Detroit–they were done by episode 3.

  25. Ashley leaving GOOD!!!!! She is MEAN AND NASTY i don’t want to hear about editing we had two seasons of her thinking she run the show …..she was a BULLY to Winter but Winter was with the sh**…..even on her you tube when she had Carmen on there she was so focused on trying to make Joy look bad but Winter focused on the episode.Asley treat her TINY husband like a b**** she makes me dislike the show so please DON’T COME BACK!!!!!!

  26. Flawed people make great reality television. But now we are living in the cancel culture era, and fans wants anyone they don’t like fired from their jobs. These shows won’t survive.

  27. Ashley is displaying the same behavior that Mariah Huk displayed on Married to Medicine. Mariah was instrumental in creating the show and is also an executive producer. Mariah told Quad that she would not climb down off of her chariot to throw tomatoes with her. Which was a metaphor for I am above you. That behavior eventually got her kicked off of the show. Ashley these are you peers. Your show has not been on television long enough for you to be an OG. While you and your husband may be quite entertaining and essential to the show, you do not have enough material to carry the show alone, Simmer down. Give Joi a genuine apology because that was nasty and you were WRONG! and carry on, I enjoy the show and am very proud how the show has taken off despite the departure of Monique and Chris,

  28. Carlos you are proving white people right with these shows of yours. Instead of showing educated and caring Black people you show exactly what white people believe. Loud, uneducated violent black’s that can’t get along with anyone even other black’s.

  29. Good bye Ashley! I really think she thinks she is the star of this series. Who is she again? Her husband is who? Joi and Cliff are new and this is how you treat newbies. You should be ashamed. Cliff did not do what you said now you have little man trying to stand up for yiu. You’re going to get him hurt one day with your drama!

  30. Right bye Ashley and her punk a scared husband . Ashley doesn’t even have respect for her Mother whatever the reason her Mother has apologized so much to her and she still twist her mother and still want her to kiss her butt and that’s sad. Ashley has admitted she has mental problems so dah people she has the problem not the other cast Members remember she had a problem with Winter people watch the show get real.

    about her

  31. OOOHHH! Mrs. Ashley is having a breakdown on TV and we as viewers are watching her destroy her character piece by piece. She is rude and her tongue cuts deep like a two-edged sword. Her DJ husband has a short man complex with delusional thoughts of taking Clift to the streets 🤣🤣. It’s sad to see that reality shows are responsible for break ups in marriages, and families. Some cast mates have committed “sidecides” (msp), federal crimes, physical, mental, drug abuse, spousal abuse, financial losses, and just trying to keep up with the Jones. I believe the more chaos shown in a episode the higher the ratings are at the demise of the cast. Much love. Peace ❤️

  32. I think Ashley is making a good decision to exit stage left. The show is not serving her; painting her in a horrible light. While she has certainly participated in this horrible depiction, pulling back is warranted. A world of self-care awaits and I love that for her.

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