Messy Rumor Makes Rounds After Evelyn Lozada Decides to Go After Jackie Christie

Evelyn Lozada Rumors
Photo Credit: Vh1

Evelyn Lozada has been receiving criticism on social media for trying to expose Jackie Christie.

Basketball Wives” star Evelyn Lozada has been receiving backlash on social media due to her antics in the current season. As we reported, Evelyn contacted a private investigator to dig into Jackie Christie’s past. The investigator told Evelyn that Jackie was allegedly arrested for prostitution in 1987. While Evelyn believed this was pressing information the rest of the ladies needed to know immediately, some fans of the show were turned off by this storyline. Ratings are on the decline. Evelyn’s critics think she has no right to shame Jackie considering her track record and rumors. Regardless, Evelyn said she wanted to bring Jackie’s alleged arrest to the forefront because of the “build a *****” comment made when she and Jackie feuded years ago.

At the height of Jackie and Evelyn’s past feud, they argued over their daughters. When Evelyn said she wasn’t wrong to donate money to Jackie’s daughter, Jackie questioned if she’d be wrong to ask Evelyn if it’s true that her daughter is a “build a *****.” Jackie later alleged that Jennifer Williams was the source of the rumor. Regardless, Evelyn still pins the comment on Jackie and not Jennifer. Interestingly enough, it was also alleged that Jennifer told people that Evelyn allegedly slept with Shaq and Evelyn’s daughter Shaniece grew up as a “latchkey kid” because Evelyn was allegedly busy chasing rich men.

Jennifer denied making these allegations. Tami Roman and Malaysia Pargo alleged that Jennifer told them these things while she was on the outs with Evelyn.

Gossip has been making rounds since Evelyn Lozada confirmed her daughter is expecting.

Well, Evelyn’s desire to expose Jackie has some people looking into her life. Evelyn is soon to be a grandmother. Weeks ago, she announced her daughter 31-year-old daughter Shaniece is expecting her first child to her social media followers. But some are saying the optics and rumors aren’t great.

YouTuber Lakeysha Keysha said,

“So I was looking at the situation between Jackie Christie and Evelyn Lozada and the only thing that could come to my mind…The situation I want to talk about doesn’t have anything to do with Jackie. But I wanted to talk about this situation because Evelyn wants to call out everybody, for even the smallest thing. And when I saw the part about her trying to call Jackie out about selling her kitty cat 30 years ago, I was like okay it’s enough. What I want to talk about is Evelyn Lozada’s daughter who allegedly is pregnant by Evelyn Lozada’s good friend’s ex-fiancé.”

She continued,

“Evelyn’s daughter Shanice is allegedly pregnant by The Game. Now for those of you who may not know, The Game’s ex-fiancée is Tiffany Cambridge. Tiffany Cambridge, Evelyn, and Shaunie are all good friends. Now I don’t know if they’re still friends. Maybe they’re not being that her daughter, Evelyn Lozada’s daughter is pregnant by her friend’s ex fiancé.”

The YouTuber included photos of Evelyn and The Game’s ex Tiffany hanging out several years ago including photos taken from Evelyn’s baby shower. Tiffany was photographed rubbing Evelyn’s pregnant belly while Shaniece was cheesing on the other side of one of the pictures. At the time, Evelyn was pregnant by Carl Crawford.

Tiffany and The Game broke up years ago. Some may remember that the former couple did a reality show together and share two children.


  1. Being pregnant by the Game isn’t a flex anyway. He’s washed up and those lawsuits speak to his raggedy a-s character. Oh and let’s not forget his India Love era 🤢. Evelyn can’t criticize anybody. She taught her daughter to do anything for money.

    1. Looked it up. He’s disgusting. And so is Evelyn for thinking it’s cute her daughter is pregnant by him. Eww.

  2. So Tami wasn’t lying when she said Ev f-cked Shaq. Shaunie is delusional thinking this lady is anyone’s friend.

    1. Tami wasn’t the one who put it out there her bestie Jennifer did due to all the crap Evelyn put her through… Tami just said it out loud and told Shaunie what was said and to be honest to this day I think Jen wasn’t lying at all! Jen know and know a lot more. That’s why she befriended her to keep her mouth shut.

    2. @ Ms. Jackson & Yeah I Said It
      I agree! I have no idea why Shaunie insists on holding on to this show. I think it’s her 1 true thing that is hers (except kids). It’s time to move on. She keeps Evelyn on because that’s her only real friend and she doesn’t like anyone else but the company you keep tells about you.
      I alßo believe Ev slept with Shaq just like she was with Tami’s ex. She just never thought she’d know them later. And Ev is so pathetic I know Shaunie knows some good men but Ev wants a famous man so she can be. Ugh!
      And trapping The Game?!?! It’s funny how both mother and daughter are esthetically beautiful but cannot have a man of their own for a time long enough to br called a real relationship.
      Throw this she away! I’m so glad I don’t actually
      watch it on TV anymore.

  3. I don’t think Evelyn should be digging into anyone’s past life let alone exposing what she finds. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Someone will throw a boulder at her head if she doesn’t chill out.

  4. Evelyn thinks that she can do whatever she wants, and as long as she’s Shuanie’s friend and mouth, she will continue. Jennifer is not the only one who said Evelyn slept with Shaq, the Govan sisters said it to when Shuanie was on in on them. The Miami ladies said it.

  5. First, I can’t believe if Jackie’s record is true she didn’t tell Doug decades ago. I also can’t believe she
    went so, low as to accuse Ev of beastiality that is so disgusting & nasty. It doesn’t even make sense
    furthermore, Ev is what she is & I’m certain she can find a real human to do what Jackie is saying she
    does. Think of something else Jackie.

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